Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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Sword with a double edged'll cut you either way.


Good night !
My family went to Flint Oak for supper tonight and then
Sam & Becky and Mark and I came back and we played Pinochle until after 1.

Becky and I only won 2 stinkin' games.  >:(

But we all drank my special coffee and had a wonderful time while the guys won and gloated and we lost and whined. LOL

Kjell is going to shoot competitively tomorrow, so he is already snoring..dreaming about hitting all the targets.  ;)

Good night and I'm headin' to bed.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on July 13, 2008, 01:42:53 AM

But we all drank my special coffee and had a wonderful time while the guys won and gloated and we lost and whined. LOL

OH MY ! ! which coffee machine did you use.  :-\


LOL  Just a Bunn Coffee Maker Flo..
But I have a recipe that I use that everyone loves.

Fresh ground hazelnut coffee beans.
(Make the coffee)..
Add to a cup,  3 Tbls  vanilla or hazelnut cappuccino mix
4Tbls heavy whipping cream (out of a carton)
stir and mix until mix is thick and dissolved
pour coffee in cup.
Top with lots of whipped cream that you buy in a can.
take spoon and push sprayed whip cream down into the coffee a few times.

No calories at all in this cup of joe..  ::)

Take that coffee ..add to it  4 lifetime good friends.. pinochle cards and you have a perfect evening.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


back from my reunion.  Teresa, that really sounds good.  Pushing the whipped cream down into the coffee probably drowns what little calories there are, right?.  Sounds much much better than the coffee out of the machine I sent you.  ;D


Night all!  It's been a trying day.  Marty got some mowing done, then he & a friend brought me some more mulch for the garden, and then he finished making tomato cages, so that kept me busy.  Our squash has been attacked by squash bugs.  NASTY little buggars.  I got them all sprinkled with Sevin dust, but have been told that if they already bit the plant, it probably won't survive.  Guess I'll have to wait & see.

I asked our son to move his car so we could mow; and it wouldn't start.  He opened the hood and BAM!  A packrat nest!  The car had been setting there less than a day, and it was on the street reasonably far away from anyplace you'd expect rats!  Squirt was trying to climb in the engine compartment to help look for the nasty vandal, but Clay was in no mood to enjoy the humor of that; so I had to lock her in the house for a while.  He patched the wire to the starter back together and will take it by the shop tomorrow after work and have it checked over.  Probably buy some rat poison too ;)


Good night everyone. I have about politic'd myself out tonight. Now I'm depressed.. LOL

I had Mason all day today and I will have Ashley all day Monday. ( Have to make time for the sunshine you know... :angel: )
Tomorrow we have to both go to the Chiropractor and get 'fixed" and then on into the city.. (yuck) but on the up is nice to get away from the computers for awhile. So I believe I will go in and exercise on the equipment we have set up (Treadmill, Elliptical , and bicycle) and pop myself some popcorn ( as a reward  ;D ) .. call a couple girlfriends that have wanted to talk for the past week..and maybe read my book "People of the Mist" for awhile. Sounds like a winner to me.. ;)

Everyone sleep well...and have good dreams.

** SDMom.. I so hope you get over the shingles. I think about you several times a day..wishing my massages would magically take them away..(cause I would come to your house and give you one, if they would)  but you couldn't stand for anything to even touch you with those horrible blisters.. so I will just say a little extra prayer for you so that the angels help keep you as comfortable as possible.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks Teresa, sleep tight and I do hope that those horrible liberals don't get you in the night!  ;)


hahahahaha... They won't.. I am way too armed,  stubborn and mean for anyone of them to want me..  ;D ;D

Hell most of the conservatives wouldn't want me either.. lol

I rode the bicycle for 19 minutes and walked on the treadmill for an hour and a half ( that is how long it took me to finish my movie.
Your Mine and Ours with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball. it was a cute movie and one I had bought at this last garage sale. If anyone would want to borrow it, let me know. I'll send it to you. It was a welcome relief to watch something that was a bit corny.. but kept you with a "nice" feeling.
Going to move stuff to Archives some more and then head to bed in a while...
Good night 'again'... ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I think that movie is based on a true story.  :o :o

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