Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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I searched for what I thought was a good night thread, but couldn't find it so will start another one.  Good Night my forum friends, sweet dreams and AOYP


my friend Flo....................

"When I was growing up during the Depression I lived with my red-headed brothers and sisters, my parents and grandparents at the foot of a mountain which had been in our family for generations. My father used to say that in our house there was always room for one more. And I remember one morning when his hospitality was put to a challenging test".

"Those were lean years, and for many Americans a harsh and bitter time. On Waltons Mountain we were sustained with poems and gingerbread and laughter and sharing, but most of all by a remarkable mother and father. The house in which we were born and raised is still there, still home, and on the winds that sigh along those misted blue ridged mountains our voices must echo still".

Ben: John Boy, you awake?
John-Boy: What'd you want, Ben?
Ben: Are you going to marry Marcia Woolery?
John-Boy: You want me to?
Ben: She makes good gingerbread.
John-Boy: Huh huh. Well, I'll think about it. Goodnight now.
Ben: Goodnight.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Goodnight everyone...Computer is going off..I'm gonna catch up on watching American Idol.. read a bit and then sink into my pillow..

"Few strangers ever came to Waltons Mountain. We got our news of the outside world from the radio or from an occasional copy of a magazine. But I remember when I was about 17 four visitors arrived and gave me my first unexpected glimpse of the other world beyond our mountain".

"And so the carnival people left Waltons Mountain. The postcard we received from them said they'd arrived safely in Chicago and were working at the World's Fair. Some years later, when I left to go to college, the book which Tommy gave me was one of the possessions I took with me. Now, whenever I open it I remember those four people who gave a 17 year old boy his first glimpse of the outside world".

Elizabeth: John-Boy?
John-Boy: What is it?
Elizabeth: You think they'll ever come back?
John-Boy: I don't know, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I wish I could see that lady walk along the rope again.
John-Boy: One day maybe.
Elizabeth: Hope so, goodnight, John-Boy.
John-Boy: Goodnight, Elizabeth.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


good night, Elizabeth
good night, John Boy
good night, Teresa
good night, everyone


Have had a big weekend with Ashley staying with us since Saturday evening. We went to the MEG carnival and she had a big time. It was a success I would say. Then she stayed the night and was with me all day today. Gosh they grow up so fast, so I enjoy evey second with her.  Baked cinnamon rolls and cooked quite a bit..
Did lots and lots of yard work and planting stuff.. still lots to do.. Kjell cleaned out the garage, the shed, and mowed the grass, trimmed trees , and cleaned out the truck.

And I am more than ready to go to bed.. which is where I'm heading right now.

"Waltons Mountain was an everlasting presence in our lives. Whenever I could, when I was growing up there during the Depression years, I would climb its slopes. Up there I could get lost in dreams, dreams of becoming a writer, of becoming a man. I knew no writers so I had no writer to model myself after, but as a boy aspiring to manhood I had only to follow in the footsteps of a remarkable father".

"It was a fine thing to know such people, and to be one of them, and to share in their abundant love. It was a poor time, but in it we were richer than we knew. Forty years have passed, but the voices from that house are as fresh as yesterday".

Elizabeth: Mama.
Olivia: Yes Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: You asleep?
Olivia: Almost.
Elizabeth: You reckon Chance is asleep?
Olivia: Ha, wouldn't surprise me.
Elizabeth: Goodnight, Mama.
Olivia: Goodnight Elizabeth.

G'night everyone.. sweet dreams..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


soon as I calm down from that KU/Memphis game, I shall retire to me wittle bed.  Good Night -
Forum Friends
John Boy
the rest of the gang
sweet dreams and AOYP


I had a busy day, but got all the bookwork and the bills paid for the hardware store... started on a video I have to make.. cooked supper.( lasagna and crusty Italian bread and garlic cole slaw... did 3 loads of clothes..cleaned the house up really good, did some stuff on Down Range, watched last night's  American Idol I had taped, watched Ghost Whisperer that was taped tonight... and did some research on health things so I could post on here ..which I did...( as I feel so guilty when I don't contribute more)
So I am very tired tonight.. .and ready for bed.
G'Night everyone. Sweet Dreams.. No Worries..

"A mountain has no need for people, but people do need mountains. We go to them for their beauty, for the exhilaration of standing closer to mysterious skies, for the feeling of triumph that comes from having labored to reach a summit, and I remember a day in the 1930s when I went to Waltons Mountain in search of manhood".

"I became not a hunter but a writer and I hope a source of some pride to my father. For to be a good hunter or a good writer one must know why he hunts or why he writes. And the "why-of-it-all" for me lies in that house and in the memory of voices that rise in the night and will sweetly haunt my life for ever".

Elizabeth: John-Boy.
John-Boy: What you want, Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Are you asleep yet?
John-Boy: Not yet.
Elizabeth: What' you doing?
John-Boy: Thinking.
Elizabeth: I'm proud you killed the bear to save Daddy, John-Boy.
John-Boy: Me too.
Elizabeth: Goodnight John-Boy.
John-Boy: 'Night, honey.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

The end of another wonderful day.  Started off with the telephone ringing and our Sherri called and we "chatted" for a long time -- and then I got busy fixing dinner as Fred's brother Russell was to be here around 10 AM  and he was.  Fred and Russ got in his truck and went for the $2.50 tour of Elk City State Park  they both just love to drive around and survey the world.  Before they returned and I was still cookin' and stirrin' Teresa called and we visited - the guys returned and I finished dinner.  We ate and loved every bite that we put in our mouths.  I sent all the left overs home with Russ and after he  left I cleaned up the kitchen, and washed the dishes  (sadly did not dry the dishes and put them away ) instead I came up here and clicked this addictive computer, and looked out the window and noticed a pretty silver pickup that was slowing down in the road -- and pulled into our drive.  AND  when I answered the door, I was sooooooooooooo pleasantly surprised ...  It was Myrna and Frank Winn !!!!  SURPRISE !!!
WOW  how nice was that???  Fred and I REALLY enjoyed them, and instantly I wished that I had finished cleaning up the kitchen,  but  you know ~~~~~~` too late for that.  We visited and had such a great time with them. 
  After they left one of the park Rangers stopped by and ( he is my favorite) we were visiting and he said "Jo, how come you have on socks that have holes in them?"  Welllllllllllll  I knew that, but we don't wear shoes in the house -- and the darn things just have holes in them, that is as simple as that.  We laughed and he said, he bet our friends were impressed with my "new socks"   lol lol   So, Myrna and Frank  -- let me know you are coming next time and I will put on some "unholie" socks. 
  Time to call it a day -- it has been a great one.   ' Nite all!

Ole Granny

Fine day here.  Grandson from KU came home last night so have been spending most of the time with him.  He will leave early in the morning to return to Lawrence for a parade in honor of the Jayhawk Champs.  It has been an awsome week for him.  Good to have him home for a couple of days.

Other grandson returned this evening from Tulsa where he played in a Lacrosse tournament.  They won 2 out of three games so he was pleased.  Last game was two overtimes and lost by one point.  He fell asleep on the way home and awoke as Coach pulled into Toot's.  They took a different route home so he thought he was dreaming when he woke in front of Toot's. He didn't bring me a shake olr malt - just his empty cup. It made a great ending for a great day for him.  Memories!

Youngest daughter found a house and put earnest money down with hopes her offer will be accepted.  Another daughter has Peligans in their lake so we enjoyed watching them float and fly.  Somewhere around 40 at one time were counted. This is unusual for in the city.   They also have an Eagle nesting in a tree close to the lake.

"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Jo, we enjoyed our visit, and I didn't even notice your socks!  Darn--miss out on that!  You know, I have a saying and it's certainly not an original one, but I tell people if you come to see me, come any time, if you come to see my house, let me know ahead.  I do often tell people to call before coming, but it is simply because I wouldn't want to miss them, especially if they are driving from a distance. We had that happen a time or two when we lived in West Texas and were sorry that we had missed people, especially when it was someone from "home".

P. S. and the dishes that were draining certainly didn't hinder our visit---just made me feel at home, as I often let them drain and dry on their own.

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