Carcass in the yard

Started by indygal, March 30, 2008, 04:42:54 PM

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OK, I'm sure this seems like an odd question, but I'm curious. Is it normal to find animal body parts in your yard in the morning? Today was the second time in about three weeks that we've had carcass parts in the yard. The first time was some sort of leg -- deer maybe? -- and this morning it was part of a spine/rib cage, again large enough it might be from a deer.

Never having lived in an area quite as rural as this, I'm just wondering if dogs routinely drag roadkill through town or how this might be happening. Any thoughts?

Janet Harrington


That would be my guess that the dogs that run all over town are dragging stuff around.  You never know what your neighbors might have in their yards or what someone has thrown on the outskirts of the town.  If it becomes too much of a problem, call the city office, 620-374-2202.


Quote from: indygal on March 30, 2008, 04:42:54 PM
OK, I'm sure this seems like an odd question, but I'm curious. Is it normal to find animal body parts in your yard in the morning?  Any thoughts?

My thoughts??
I would start questioning Terrell about where he was while you were sleeping.
You have just GOT to quit letting him out by himself at night.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


LOL, Teresa! I don't think it's Terrell...we certainly don't have any new packages of meat in the chest freezer and that's the least he could do if he's going out on nighttime hunting adventures!

Judy Harder

It does sound like a dog or even a coyote has found a kill and uses your yard
to get back to safety.

You might need to patrol the area to see if there is any kill hidden nearby.

Then you can dispose of it. Just a thought. I take it you are we here are.
Just a 1/2 mile away is the country and we have seen all kinds of critters in town.
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Here I am Lord, use me!

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