The Power Of Thank YOu!!

Started by sixdogsmom, March 28, 2008, 04:29:29 PM

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no apology's are necessary.  Eye contact and thank you's are "manners" and so is table "manners" and every one at one time or another needs training in both.

Ole Granny

Thank you, Frank.  I really was not fishing for a compliment but will accept it graciously.  Everyone can do the same thing if we just notice and care about other people.  My Dad never met a stranger  (Wasn't that Will Rogers?) and could strike up a conversation with anyone.  Mother was very kind and would never purposely say anything to hurt anyone.  Thanks!
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


I live and work here in Chanute Kansas and my finace' Lyle works here in Chanute at Martin
Tractor and lives in Howard...we both work with customers....I work at Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center
...and we are shooting to be the #1 hospital in Kansas...right now we are ranked 5th...Our CEO believes that
yes, everyone has a home life and when you walk in our doors at the hospital as an employee.... you leave your
problems at home or at the door...we are a positive group and the customers and or patients
is the one who pays our bills every week. We are customer focused and always willing to go
that extra to make someone happy...we call it "GIVE THEM THE PICKLE"...Someone might be losing a
family member due to death and you walk by them and might just smile...they might remind themselves later
that the last person they saw...smiled at them...even though they were not in a good mood at the
time....They will remember....In the past 6 yrs. as an employee...I have heard several stories where patients
would rather come to NMRMC to deliver their babies or be a patient...due to the care we give....On the weekends
while we stay in Howard...I shop in Howard...I even do photography and I use Elk and Greenwood County scenery
for some of my backgrounds, because even being a smaller counties than has more to offer..
Lyle and I both have boys and when we are at an eating establishment...I always tell the boys to THANK
the person who refills their pop...or gets them some ketchup...and etc....It is only curteous!!!!

Jo McDonald

Well, wouldn't you know ? I just have to jump in here.  I love to smile -- I love people - and I like to be with those that want to be with others.  NOW --- having been in business from 1947 until 1995, let me say this.  Those in business are busy with customers ALL DAY long, some come in with a smile, and a happy outlook on life - then here come someone that has already had a bad start on their day, and the look that is on their face is NOT USER FRIENDLY -- so~~  you look up - and are greeted with a.... "well, I am here, and I expect you to be eternally grateful for that look"  and believe me it takes a lot out of the usual.... "hello, how are you?" greeting that you had all ready to say.
Yes !!!  Hello and thanks and 'thanks for shopping here' are wonderful words, but so is, "I am so glad that I don't have to drive 80 miles to Wichita or Bartlesville or 57 miles to Chanute and Thanks for being here and helping to keep our small Elk County towns alive and well".
Well--- guess 'nuff said. 
Personally I love Elk County and thank all the ones that were born and raised there to stay and keep Elk County business up and going.  It is the ones that are in business in Elk County - that grew up in Elk County and still care and work hard every day to keep it as it is!!!!

  Some days they have bad days too.


Let me say something here, Jo.  I have never seen you without a big smile on your face and a hearty "How are you?" for anyone you see.  I used to think that you knew everybody when we were at the same gathering.  Maybe you didn't know who everybody was, but the strangers didn't know that and I know from personal experience how good that made people feel.


I think it's just as important to be a good customer as it is a good customer-service provider.  Maybe after a long line of disgruntled, complaining customers, a smiling face and a HI from a customer will help turn that checker's attitude around.
Last month at * (not Batson's   :-[), I was checking out.  The cashier wasn't all too friendly, but she was obviously new and trying to do a good job.  She separated all the items into the different bags so things wouldn't get smashed and non-food items wouldn't be in the same bags with food items.  Yes, it was a little more time consuming, but I wasn't in a hurry (even though I'd already ran my debit card and essentially "paid" in advance).  At the end of the transaction, she had held a pack of light bulbs out to the very end.  She triple-wrapped those things and carefully placed them into a separate bag and made sure I knew they were light bulbs.  After she handed me my recipts, I realized that in her carefulness of wrapping my bulbs, she forgot to scan them.  Even though there was an obviously irritated lady behind me, I stepped back and told the cashier that she didn't charge me for the lightbulbs.  She was beside herself!  As she unwrapped the bulbs and scanned them and then re-wrapped them again, she kept saying thank you and that she'd be in trouble with her manager if I hadn't done that (although I was thinking how would they know it was her?).  As I was leaving, I turned around and she was greeting that irritated lady with a huge smile on her face... who now had a dumbfounded look on hers...


Quote from: Wilma on March 31, 2008, 05:28:23 PM
Let me say something here, Jo.  I have never seen you without a big smile on your face and hearty "How are you?" for anyone you see.  I used to think that you knew everybody when we were at the same gathering.  Maybe you didn't know who everybody was, but the strangers didn't know that and I know from personal experience how good that made people feel.

Well let me tell you from personal experience that "I" have seen her without a smile on her face.

When she had that paddle in her hand and she was after me... believe you me... there wasn't a smile on her face them.

You are right Wilma.. My mother always  and still does to this day..greets everyone and has something nice ...or a wise ass funny remark to make to them.
That was what I got in trouble for the most sometimes when I was younger.. Was walking into a room and NOT speaking to anyone.
Man that used to get you the old evil eye..    LOL
So we learned early ..and I quote the old wise mother of mine"........."Even if you didn't care for the person and if you have had a bad day.. you SPEAK and you SPEAK with a polite respectful tone and you SMILE when you SPEAK! Understand?"

And we would say yes... for fear of the "evil eye"..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, fortunately I never saw your Mother with anything but that Big Pretty Smile, and from her picture posted she still has a Big Pretty Smile. She is another one of those people that I have fond memories of from my youth growing up in Howard Kansas.


Well Frank.. it's because she never chased you with that danged ole' ping pong paddle. LOL

Man.. she could run fast..  ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well Teresa it looks like it worked, you turned out pretty good, repectful and hard working. Maybe Ping Pong Paddles is something the Government needs to regulate and pass laws that every parent must be proficent in using a Ping Pong paddle for discipline.


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