The Power Of Thank YOu!!

Started by sixdogsmom, March 28, 2008, 04:29:29 PM

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And she could teach the class...  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Oh my gosh --- I do believe I have opened a can of worms here.  Tressy, honey, I do regret some of the "ping pong contacts" that you encountered, but on the other hand, I am SO VERY, VERY PROUD OF THE WAY YOU TURNED OUT AND ALSO YOU SISTER SHERRI AS WELL.  Having said that, at least you each had your own personal ping pong paddle, with your very own name on it, so when you needed to feel its "gentle tap" on your little behind, you knew that the one that was touching your precious bottom was YOURS and yours alone, not contaminated with the touch of any other. lol lol
And yes, the thing that still sticks in my craw is   ~~~  People that come into the presence of others - walks up and does not have the good manners, or respect of those whose company they are encroaching upon, to speak to all those present, and you did get in trouble one time for doing that, but you never did it again.  Bless you, my child!!!

   I just know how hard it is to keep a business going in a small town, and what an financial burden it is when people come in and select the item they want and then when they look at the price marked on the item, have the audacity  (sp?) to say, " boy that is higher than it is at WalMart". 
Well, for Pete's sake, can you afford to drive all those miles with the price of fuel to save those few cents???   and then if it does not work, to drive back to exchange it??? 
There is so much to be thankful for -- the small town business man that struggles to keep a market place open for those of us that live in that small town!!

  Boy, I got wound up, didn't I?  But I've been there --- done that ! God Bless the small town merchant !!!
Night, all.

Bonnie M.

Hi, Jo, I'm glad you're back in Kansas, safe and sound! 

(I'm "straying" from the original subject!)  "Thank you" for getting back safe and sound?  I have certainly agreed with all that has been said about the common courtesy of treating people with respect!


Gentle taps???

on my little behind??

If I am not mistaken.. the last "gentle taps" I got was on my  13 year old "little behind"..

((Did I deserve it?? Of course..))
I was more than a handful to raise..
(((( my pooooor mama...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Dale Smith

I've been lurking around and reading these posts since they started, but thought I'd finally chime in.  Granted, it has been 20 years since I left Howard, but there is still rarely a time that I don't go shopping here in the big city of Atlanta, that I don't think back to what it was like growing up in Howard.  I would take Cookson's Hardware over a WalMart any day!  What a great group of people.  And, quite frankly, I wish that I could trade in my big city supermarket for the good ole days at Dave's Market.   I think in general, we all have our good days and our bad days, but as long as we keep a smile on our own face, then we should be good.  After all, if someone doesn't have a smile, just give them one of your's.  :-)


I have to tell you that a smile does wonders.  I worked at Toot's when I was in High school and some years after that.  I know that it is much easier to smile to a customer than to be a grouch.  I have to also say that my husband and I do the majority of our shopping for everything in Howard.  I refuse to make special trips out of town.  I like the convience of having the stuff right here in our community.  Plus, you can't go to Wal-mart and find people like Mark or Derek to answer some of the questions that I usually have!!  I mean, when it comes to household repairs and stuff Mark and Derek know there stuff.  I would much rather buy my stuff here.  Like Jo said, if it breaks you can't just run it back.  I also like that no matter how busy they are they still have a smile on their face.  I know that people can be difficult to work and please, but they do their best!!

Also, I hate grocery shopping.  And with the daycare we go through hundreds of dollars a month on groceries.  I would much rather spend my money here in Elk county at the Prairie Market.  I like that if they don't have something they will try to get it if they can.  Also, if you put a pencil to it I could never afford to run every week 60 miles to get groceries, which then I would have to have a really big storage area.  It just makes sense to shop here.  Why drive hundreds of miles to save maybe, 20.00?? :( :(  I just think it is the most economical thing, especially with the price of gas.

And where else could you go where they know you by name??  I know that they MUCH friendlier than Wal-Mart!!! ;D ;D

Ok, I got off the subject a little.  But it is much easier to smile than to not!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Unfortunately, some families just don't take the time or the effort to teach their children proper manners.  Living in a larger metropolitan area gives me a greater choice of stores to shop at as opposed to Elk County.  What I have noticed in recent years is that when I make a purchase in a store, I hand them the money and they (sometimes) count the change back audibly, but no thank you.  And what is worse, I take the change and say "Thank you" to them.  Am I thanking them for letting me shop there?  Lately, I have been trying not to say thank you if they don't say it to me.  Both of my children worked part time in high school to pay for their car insurance and gas.  I know that their manners were there carefully taught by my wife over the years.  I heard no complaints from any of their customers or their bosses, only complements on their hard work and dedication.  Now I watch as my 33 year old daughter raises her three year old and teaches her those same manners.  That little girl says thank you when you bring her something to eat or drink or when she receives a gift.  How can it change?  Probably not much in such a large area as this, but in a smaller community where 'everybody knows everybody', changes could happen if the store manager was informed of the concern for good manners.  Sorry to rant about this.  I just wanted to put my two cents in.  Thank you ;)
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I had the same experience in this store.   Just don't take is personally and shop elsewhere!

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