The Power Of Thank YOu!!

Started by sixdogsmom, March 28, 2008, 04:29:29 PM

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Thank yous are important as is forgiveness.


I have to amend my last post.  I left it sounding as if the clerk is the least important person in the establishment.  This is not true.  Next to me, the customer, the clerk, or the first person the customer sees when they enter the door and the last person they see when they leave are the most important.  These are the people that make the customer want to come back.  The "Hello, how are you?" when you enter makes you feel welcome and the "Have a nice day" when you leave makes you want to come back.  This doesn't take much of a clerk's time or attention but it means a lot to a customer.  

And you can rest easy, Teresa, there is no need for you to ream out your men.  Cookson's comes closer to what Riggin's Hardware used to be than any other store I have ever been in.  Not only that, but I have a small bill up there that has been there for a couple of months because I haven't been billed for it and I had forgotten about it.  Not to fear, as soon as the income gets here next month I will take care of it.

It would be very easy for me to do all my buying out of town.  Almost all my life I have had the convenience of a large town to shop in.  I have had the larger selections, the convenience of something being open whenever I needed anything and slightly lower prices.  I don't do all my buying at home, but my banking is here, my prescriptions are here and I get my gas at Lannings because Patsy pumps it for me and the mileage is much better than what you get at the convenience stores.  I think I have said enough.  I chose to come here to live.  I don't miss much of what I had in Sedgwick County and if it weren't for my doctor I  wouldn't get back there very often.

There is one more thing I want to say.  Dan Cookson is one of the most articulate young men whose writing I have ever read.  His spelling, construction, all the things that make reading an article pleasant and easy is perfect.  And he always makes his point. 


Personally I think the whole point is...the please, thank-you's, hello, how are you, have a nice day, the eye contact, etc.,  should JUST BE a part of everyday life and dealing with other people.  It doesn't matter if you are a consumer, retailer, service provider, service user, or just walking down the street IT SHOULD JUST BE A PART OF EVERYDAY LIFE and dealing with other people.   And there is not any good reasonable excuse for it NOT being part of every day life. Period, end of story.

Judy Harder

and, for heaven's sake..........
Smile. ;D ;D ;D ;D ; won't hurt a bit and you always!!! get one back.

Unless the person you smile at is just a natural grump.......LOL.

I have a habit of when I look someone in the eye (on purpose or accidental) my lips just have
to smile.And, they usually smile back with a gleam in their eyes.

Have a good day and Thank you  for being here for me.

I have a hard time starting my day without a dose of the Forum. ;) ;) ;) ;)
AOYP :angel: :angel:
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from: Wilma on March 29, 2008, 07:21:50 AM

There is one more thing I want to say.  Dan Cookson is one of the most articulate young men whose writing I have ever read.  His spelling, construction, all the things that make reading an article pleasant and easy is perfect.  And he always makes his point. 

Thank you Wilma for saying that.. I am very very proud of both my sons in very different ways.
Danny has a gift for words and writing. He and I are the ones in the family that love to read and write.. ( we are also the ones to embellish on a good story and once we have the crowds attention and they are laughing.. we really kick into high gear.  ;D ) But he does have a very strong sense of family, home and community, and he is passionate about all of them. Even though he is my son, many many times in my life, he has been my rock and the reason I am still sane. LOL  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You have reason to be proud of him and if you say that his postings are just the way they come from his fingers, I am going to die of envy.


Judy, I agree.  Smile as you walk down the street and just see how many people smile and speak back.  Biggest percent of them will.  and not the right time to day to say AYOP so I'll just skip that part.


I read this topic and an instance quickly came to mind that happened while I was living in Howard.  I worked at a business there for a short time and used to address the customers as Mrs. Ms. or Mr, maybe using their fisrt name if I knew it, or there last name if I didn't, but always using the appropriate title.  I always said please, thank you, sir and ma'am, and was always friendly with everyone.  But one time I was questioned by my employer as to why I did this.  My response, because it was the way I was raised, to respect others.  I always received compliments on my childrens politeness and the fact that they used these same words as well.  I saw a lot of children, and adults for that matter, that didn't.  I have been told that it is also where you come from in the country, I don't belive that is true.  I do believe that though that to many people have lost their manners and not very many are doing anything about it.  You are all right, nothing will be done unless the employers are willing to address the issue of politeness.  And if the employers are not doing it, that it can be expected that they probably won't say anything to their employees.

Roma Jean Turner

One of my favorite memories of my grandmother is about manners.  When I was little she would say, "Roma Jean, if you have a big smile, and you really care about people and you have good manners, you can go anywhere in life that you want." Then she would say.   "You have a big beautiful smile and I know you love people, so now we are going to work on those manners."

Whenever I have a child hold open the door for me or I see them use good manners, I try to remember to thank them and their parents for doing such a good job.  A lot of problems we have in society would be greatly improved with just good manners and civility.


What is sad is that so many people don't have good manners (especially young people) that you really notice when you run across one that does.  Do any children have table manners?  Of course my Mother didn't put my food on the highchair tray either.  We ate out of these things called dishes.  Sorry I cut loose.

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