Prayers needed in Texas

Started by Ms Bear, March 18, 2008, 09:35:08 PM

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Ms Bear

We are still waiting on the surgery and she is getting anxious to get up.  She is ready to come home.  The sodium is still low and one Dr is wanting to move her to another hospital and get the surgery done but I am going with what the Cardioligist and the Surgeon feel is best.  At her age the surgery is risky without adding complications.  It looks like it will be Saturday or Sunday now.  The have ordered an air mattress and she is more comfortable.  Also the compression stockings, the swelling has gone down in her ankles today.

So glad to have all your prayers
Ms Bear


This could become a long drawn out thing. Be sure to take care of yourself! Many breaks and special treats are in order. God bless you both, prayers from Moline also!

Ms Bear

Finaly got to have surgery on Monday and she did fine, ate some broth later in the day and was pretty perky.  Tuesday morning she didn't want to wake up and stay awake so they cut down on the morphine and finally stopped it completely.  She is still wanting to sleep, not wanting to eat anything or drink anything.  Her blood pressure is up and sodium down and the blood work is low so they started a transfusion this afternoon and her blood pressure went up and they had to stop the transfusion.  She is not as disoriented as she was but not doing well.   They have moved her to a room by herself and have asked me to stay with her at night.  It really does not look good so please keep us in your prayers.


Diane Amberg

Special prayers for you all. Hold on tight.

Ms Bear

They were able to finish giving Mother the first unit of blood and waited about 4 hours and gave her another one and today she is calling us by our names, responding to the nurses and Drs. and except for eating is doing really good.  The therapist got her out of bed and sat her in a chair for 30 minutes.  She was accepted at HealthSouth Rehab Center and they transported her this afternoon.  It was hard to leave her but I know they will take good care of her.  I will be able to visit her tomorrow and Sunday and then go by after work everyday.

I know the prayers made a big difference for her and gave me strength.

Thank you,


Very good news indeed! Prayers continue!

Diane Amberg

Prayer continue from here also.

Ms Bear

I am so grateful for all your prayers and thoughts and I wish I had good news but I don't.  I was so hopeful that I would be bringing Mother home by now but because of the stress and strange surroundings the Alzheimers and Dementa have taken over.  She still in not eating very well and doesn't try to feed herself, some days she knows who I am and others she doesn't.  Wants so bad to get up to go to the bathroom and to walk but all they have done is sit her in a wheel chair for up to six hours.

She has a blood clot in her leg and the Dr ordered 48 hours bed rest and they got her up 36 hours later and gave her a shower and sat her in the wheel chair.  When I asked the Dr about her being up he said "Well, they didn't follow my orders".  I called the Cardiaoligist and he had her moved to the hospital on Wednesday night.  He called me Thursday and told me that they will have to send her to a Nursing Home now.  She has been accepted at a very good one about 12 miles from where I live and I am sure she will be staying there.

I knew that routine and security was very important and the last overnight trip we took was last September when we came to Howard was probably the last one because she was stressed when she woke up during the night and the bathroom and light switches weren't where they normally were.  I am so thankful I have been able to make the last 7 years happy and secure for her.  Thankyou all for the prayers.


I am saddened to hear this news. My prayers continue.

Diane Amberg

More prayers from here too. Be sure she's getting enough fluids. Lack of thirst can cause dehydration, which can make dementia worse. Too much fluid can cause  cardiac overload. It's a delicate balance.

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