
Started by Knut, March 12, 2008, 12:17:16 AM

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Teresa; This may seem like I'm "nit picking" or something similar!  It is a burning
question howver.  It's difficult to choose the proper opening phrase or question
without soundin/appearing unkind and/or dissatisfied with "status-quo"!  So here
goes; How long do you keep items posted here?  Is there some cryptic wisdom at
work?  Would it be prudent to reove items that no longer have value?  As in the
various city-wide garage sales, Christmas tree lighting, fair, obituaries, etc., etc.
that date back to 2004!  As i'm a newcomer to both this Forum as well as to Howard,
I'm certain I'm stepping on a lot of toes, but I'm equally certain there are others
wondering the same!!  OK, I'll get off the margarine case, OOOOPS, I mean soap-box.
A slip of the old Norwegian tongue there!
Can anzone tell me what these are?  Æ,Ø,Å  Kjell and I know. ???


 ;D ;D ;D I know, I know, I know - GIBBERISH


I do try to go through the garage sales and minor things like that when I have the time. Understand though  that I have 3 other HUGE websites and forums to moderate and maintain, plus all the text and video editing we do for DownRange.TV.. ( and that is just my morning schedule  ;D )  so my time is limited in the Howard Forum.
As far as obituaries.. and other items dating back to 2004..well..they stay.
We have new members and readers who are coming into the forum daily and they enjoy reading all the old stuff.

I will try to get some time to cull a few of the items that have specific dates attached to them.. But I have the rest of the week full of massages and video deadlines, taxes for 5 businesses to do and newsletters to get out..  .. soooooooo the past garage sales, and other dead events might be on hold for awhile longer..

But I'll put it on my list.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


have to put in my two cents worth.  When I first discovered this forum, I spent a lot of time going through old posts.  This is "educational" and a way to learn things I might not have known otherwise.  I agree on the garage sales, etc., but look at the date it was posted and you'll figure out that it's not this coming weekend, right?  AND, Teresa, you could weed out this stuff in your spare time, couldn't you????:angel:


I just did... I just took the time (instead of Kjell getting his supper at 5:30 tonight , he gets it at 7:00) but better than never right? LOL

I went into the announcement and the greeting board and did a ton of cleaning.  But mostly of the stuff that was dated and also the postings of greeting s which had no posts added and of who we have never heard from the members. so it is all nice and tidied up..

And Knut can rest easy tonight.   ;D

Seriously.. I was way overdue on it..and I just needed some prodding to set the time to do it. I think that sometimes we all actually can make the time to do things , but more often than not our plates just fill up so fast that it is overwhelming and this was one of those jobs where it was easy to put it on the back burner..

So now.... It is crossed off my list..  
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 ::) kinda like cleaning out the old e-mails, right? something I let pile up and pile up and thank you Teresa for your help in making sure Knut gets a good nights rest.  :angel:


Teresa, I just want to say how much we enjoy the forum and appreciate the work that you and Kjell do.  Thank you.



I spent days reading old posts when I first discovered this wonderful place.  If it's is outdated I just figure out I missed it.  Keep up the good work


 :PTo all respondents to "Curious":  Gorsh, yep, the "r" is intentional, it's hard to
know where to start or begin!  First I surmise I need to thank Teresa for her wish for
me to get a good night rest!  Whatever that is?  Since coming to Elk County, from
Elmore County, Idaho, in 2000 whence I retreaded, time has not been available to me.
I collect, make that accumulate, cars and have precious little time to spend with them
doing what I'd love to do, turn some wrenches.  It certainly is my very own fault, it
seems "no" isn't part of my vocabulary.  Hence, when something needs attention and I'm
asked, more often than not I get involved.  So, by way of the aforementioned, I clearly
understand her [Bitg T] position!  Shuld you peek at the time most of my postings are
done, there's precious little time for sleey-bye.  Guess that's what keeps me young
and beautiful?  Since Linda's open heart surgery a week and a half ago, my time is
wisely spent tending to her needs, she's mending well and begining to veture out in
the yard with this gorgeous weather, so 'cabin fever' is losing its grip.  Probably
so am I!
Thank you all for assisting me in understanding.  Who knows, in another 40 or 50 years
I'll be right up there.  'Gday for now.  Knut. :angel:


we have been praying for Linda, maybe we should also be praying for Knut?
God does have a sense of humor too. :)

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