I am so angry!!!!!!!!!!

Started by cheyronni, March 11, 2008, 08:24:16 PM

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Like I posted... " I've been there done that!"  But you ALWAYS wanted so bad to believe your kids.
Lord.. Danny was for the most part a very very easy child to raise. Did well in school.. top in sports. popular with a good crowd.. never got in trouble too much. ( Now I know that he just didn't get caught  ::) ) But He DID take his dads truck and ran into the drivers Ed car at about 4 in the morning. THAT was a mess. He lied of course and Mark investigated bumper marks and dents and etc etc.. and we KNEW he had done it.. and finally... he confessed.. but we pretty much had him cornered.. And yep.. he got in big bad trouble. He had to spend evenings sanding out the dents in the Dr. Ed car and body filling in the dents..and after that.. he wasn't so keen on lying...
Then along came Derek and I got paid back 100X for every single thing I did plus every single thing Mark did .. plus all that my dad did and what Marks dad did in the teenage years.  my my my but he was a handful... I got to where I KNEW that whatever happened in the day that there was 2 sides to the story..
I can "kinda" laugh now.. but raising him to become the wonderful man he is now was a tremendous challenge.
sighhhhh.. Flo... I hear ya..
  To hear all the stuff that BOTH boys did ... Lordy..makes my hair curl.... :o
It also makes me wonder.. Just where the hell was I and WHY didn't I realize or know any of this was going on.. ? And I always thought I was right on top of things as a mother..
:-\ ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


yep - and how did they ever survive some of the stunts they pulled to be adults.  When the girls got old enough to have drivers licenses, we let them bring the car to Howard "to the movies".  HA HA Ha = learned in later years that there wasn't a car in elk county that could outrun ours  >:( - so that explained the mud on TOP of the car when the only place they had been was to the movies.  (pavement both directions)  ;D ;D and I thought sneaking out somewhere to smoke a cigarette was being big and bad  ::) ::)


Ok I feel that my daughter and I are being attacked her now. I am not a perfect person  and neither is my daughter. I have made mistakes in my life and so have my kids. MY KIDS ARE NOT PERFECT AND I NEVER SAID THAT THEY WERE!!! Has my daughter lied to me ....yes but never about serious things. Do I believe her when she tells me that this girl said that she wanted to stab my daughter..YES...have the girls fought in the past...YES....and when they fought did i go to this girls house and beat on the front door and curse her daughter out and call her names that i will not ever put on here...no but this girls mother did just that when the girls were 13 and my daguhter called hers the B word. Was that the only nasty word said ...no...did my daughter get grounded..yes she was punished...did hers...no. Did ever call her daughter a whore like this girls step father did mine...no...when the girls fought when they both worked at McDonalds did i curse at her then..no I made my daughter quit her job so that they would not be around each other since they could not get along. Did I go into the principals office and curse at him and act like a crazy woman ....no I did not do that. I have cried and cried while in the because my daughter was truly scared. Cheyenne is not a bad kid and by no means is she perfect but she does have remorse when she does something wrong. The police are trying to do something but not one kid will step forward and admit that all of this happened...why??...because who wants a bully to turn on them next !!!! This girl carried the pepper spray due to being jumped in another twon.....Huh my daughter does not need to cary pepper spray because she does not go places and cause trouble. When I went with her to every classroom the teachers all were sad to see Cheyenne leaving...and alot of the kids told her that they loved her. My daughter was class president for 5 years. If she was that bad of a kid why would her peers elect her for such an honor??

As for my character. My maiden name is Stacy Edwards and I have alot of family here in Elk County. I have lived in Longton all 38 years of my life. I have been married twice and have two wonderful daughters. I also have a young lady living with me who has been in foster care for most of her life and wanted to come back here asnd live with me. I am raising this girl without any help from the state. I tell my kids daily and several times a day that I love them. When they are wrong they get punished. I am not a perfect mother but I am a big enough person to tell my kids I'm sorry when I am wrong. So I guess that there are two sides to everything and everyone is intitled to their own opinion. I just had to get my two cents in and defend my character and my morals.


 :-XI have no children so cannot speak first-hand!  However, it doesn't take an Einstein to realize
the injustice here. Speaking from 2nd. hand experience, a family members daughter, left West Elk for
similar reasons, went to Longton only to be bullied and threatened there as well, as a result quit
because of threats against her and being told they were watching her and she better be on the lookout
when driving because they know her car.  Her biggest problem, and I should make that paranthetical, is
two-fold, she is a very pretty girl [jealousy] and very friendly and outgoing [a threat] both threats
to those who don't get along with others.
Keep trying, I know justice will prevail!  Our collective prayers are for and with you! Amen. :police:


Quote from: Knut on March 14, 2008, 09:16:00 PM
:-XI have no children so cannot speak first-hand!  However, it doesn't take an Einstein to realize
the injustice here. Speaking from 2nd. hand experience, a family members daughter, left West Elk for
similar reasons, went to Longton only to be bullied and threatened there as well, as a result quit
because of threats against her and being told they were watching her and she better be on the lookout
when driving because they know her car.  Her biggest problem, and I should make that paranthetical, is
two-fold, she is a very pretty girl [jealousy] and very friendly and outgoing [a threat] both threats
to those who don't get along with others.
Keep trying, I know justice will prevail!  Our collective prayers are for and with you! Amen. :police:

thanks Knut and I know who you are talking about and her dad is my dads cousin. Also you are right she is a VERY beautiful girl and I was so sad and ashamed of Elk Valley kids when she had to leave the school and be home schooled also.


It was certainly not my intention to make light of your problem.  I apologize if that is the way it came accross.  I think Teresa and I may have gotten off the path talking about things our kids pulled when they were growing up.  How could I judge either you and your daughter or the other family when I don't know you.  That would be presumptous on my part.  I am familiar with the Edwards' around Elk Falls and Longton, but whether this is part of your family or not, I do not know.  They could and could not be because my maiden name is Edwards and no relation to them that I know of.  Again, if my postings have hurt your feelings, I again apoligize and shall refrain from stating my opinions so openly on the forum.  I sometimes get carried away with stating my mind too openly.  Sure helps keep the BP down, tho.  ;D


Quote from: flo on March 14, 2008, 10:55:51 PM
It was certainly not my intention to make light of your problem.  I apologize if that is the way it came accross.  I think Teresa and I may have gotten off the path talking about things our kids pulled when they were growing up.  How could I judge either you and your daughter or the other family when I don't know you.  That would be presumptous on my part.  I am familiar with the Edwards' around Elk Falls and Longton, but whether this is part of your family or not, I do not know.  They could and could not be because my maiden name is Edwards and no relation to them that I know of.  Again, if my postings have hurt your feelings, I again apoligize and shall refrain from stating my opinions so openly on the forum.  I sometimes get carried away with stating my mind too openly.  Sure helps keep the BP down, tho.  ;D

I guess my wounds are still fresh and I apoligize but i just wanted to get the facts out there. I never want to go through this living hell again. I guess there are just no words to explain the feeling of your child being threatened. I know that lots of boys carry pocket knives and that as long as they are not flashing it and making threats to stab someone then they are not a problem. Yes my family is the Edwards' in Longton and Elk Falls . Once again I'm sorry just some fresh wounds here, and very bitter towards the principal. Pretty bad when his own staff have no faith in him and feel that he is in the wrong on this.


I am the same era of school that Teresa is and I agree on how things were for our age group ... 38 years or so ago.  I agree that parents today should take a more pro-active role in monitoring, disciplining their children (along with the nurturing, loving, and guiding).  BUT....
I still think that the local school district has a huge responsibility to make sure they maintain a SAFE learning environment for all students.  I think that local school district has a legal responsibility to act upon situations that breach that safe environment.  As parents we have a legal responsibility to make sure that our children are educated.  We also have a legal responsibility to make sure our children are safe AT ALL times...no matter where they are, who they are with.  A threat made with box knife in hand...that IS a safety concern.  It shouldn't be made less of, it should not be ignored.   Unfortunately what worked 38 years ago won't work today. 
Cheyronni I really do hope that you will pursue this beyond the local school district.  You might be surprised how interested the state level department of education would be in what has taken place.  Remember your tax dollars at work, you do have a say.


My apologies, too!  I was speaking in reference to the "other" child and probably the lies that were told to that parent.  I think all of us who have responded to you were "rooting" you on and trying to share our opinions and fears with the system and society today.  There is no one who knows and understands the situation like you do... and none of us can fully share in your frustration, sorrow, and anger.  We can just be here for a sounding board... and to throw our 2 cents worth in, too.  Again, sometimes when we get on a "rant", it's hard to keep the real issue in focus, and for that I apologize.  Keep protecting your child and your family, and we're sorry this incident has happened in such a small community!

Ole Granny

"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

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