I am so angry!!!!!!!!!!

Started by cheyronni, March 11, 2008, 08:24:16 PM

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I am glad that you will not drop this.  I have nephews that go to grade school in Longton, and that really makes me angery.  I can't believe that they have no weapons policy and bully policy in effect.  With all the school shootings that have been going on, what are they thinking.  It can happen in little school just the same as big ones.  We have had at least 2 threats at West Elk School, and we as parents were notified the first time.  It was done on the internet on the school web page, and we as parents had the right to keep our children home and they would be an excused absents.  I really would hate to be in your shoes!!  It makes me angery thinking about it!!  You are doing a great job at not letting this go!!  I wonder if the school board needs to revisit their policies!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


have you ck'd the handbook to see just exactly what is their policy and just what they consider a weapon?  If a box cutter isn't a weapon, then what is? It is used for one purpose and one purpose only.  TO CUT.  Be sure what their policy is then follow through to make sure it is being enforced.  I may not know the whole story, but from what I've read here neither the principal, the sheriff nor the school board are doing a sufficient job of protecting students.  If this girl is so terrified that she feels unsafe at school, how can she concentrate on learning?  Evidently the parents of the girl that made the threat are not concerned about their daughter's behavior.  They need to remember that what goes around comes around.  If this girl should end up behind bars in a few years you can bet your bottom dollar the parents will be saying "we tried to raise her to be a good adult" - and expect sympathy because they will be so sure that it is someone else's fault.  I don't think so . . . .


I agree with you Flo, obviously the girl's parents are not going to own up to their daughter's behavior...Will they when she seriously hurts somebody?

Keep pushing Chey!


Quote from: flo on March 12, 2008, 09:56:00 AM
have you ck'd the handbook to see just exactly what is their policy and just what they consider a weapon?  If a box cutter isn't a weapon, then what is? It is used for one purpose and one purpose only.  TO CUT.  Be sure what their policy is then follow through to make sure it is being enforced.  I may not know the whole story, but from what I've read here neither the principal, the sheriff nor the school board are doing a sufficient job of protecting students.  If this girl is so terrified that she feels unsafe at school, how can she concentrate on learning?  Evidently the parents of the girl that made the threat are not concerned about their daughter's behavior.  They need to remember that what goes around comes around.  If this girl should end up behind bars in a few years you can bet your bottom dollar the parents will be saying "we tried to raise her to be a good adult" - and expect sympathy because they will be so sure that it is someone else's fault.  I don't think so . . . .

Yes i have read the handbook and it does not describe what is considered a weapon. It says that ANY devise, object, or substance that, in fact, or under the circumstances & manner in which it is used, can reasonably be considered sufficient to cause serious property damage or cause serious bodily harm will be considered a weapon. Guns, knives, destructive devices or anyfacsimle of a weapon are not allowed at school, on school property or school activities. Violation of the rule could result in confinscation of the weapon & legal action against the student. Possession of a firearm or destructive devise shall result in expulsion from school for a period of one year. If any weapon is used to threaten or intimidate a student or staff memeber, a long term suspension will result. Should a weapon be used to attack a student or staff member, expulsion will result. When warrented, it will be referred to the police.

That is word for word what the handbook says!!!!!


there you have it - a box cutter was used to threaten - it can cause great bodily harm and therefore long term suspension and/or legal action is called for.  If you don't get satisfaction locally, time to seek a legal opinion.  The school is exempt from lawsuits, or used to be, but that student, the princial as a person and the school board members as private citizens are not exempt, and they are responsible for carrying out the rules set forth in the handbook.


Have you checked back with the police??  What is there take on this?  I think, you could seek legal action against the girl.  My niece and one of her friends stuck another girls head in the toilet at the school that they go to.  I was so ashamed of her, but I didn't raise her.  Anyway, the police took statements and told my sister that the other girls parents have up to 3 years to press charges against my niece.  I feel that you have just as good of case as the other parents. 
Quote from: flo on March 12, 2008, 11:30:14 AM
there you have it - a box cutter was used to threaten - it can cause great bodily harm and therefore long term suspension and/or legal action is called for.  If you don't get satisfaction locally, time to seek a legal opinion.  The school is exempt from lawsuits, or used to be, but that student, the princial as a person and the school board members as private citizens are not exempt, and they are responsible for carrying out the rules set forth in the handbook.

I agree with you too, Flo!! Cheryl I am thinking about you!! and your daughter, no child should go to school and be afraid to be there!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Ms Bear

If the child is threatening to stab or cut other children she needs counseling and if her parent refuses to let her then the parent needs counseling.

A tip from the past, when you talk to the Principal about the other children's safety make sure that he knows that you are "TELLING HIM, NOT THREATENING HIM" if your child does get hurt.

I hope you will continue to keep pressure on the School Board concerning the safety of the other children and making one set of rules for all.


One thing you could do is type up a letter detailing exactly what has happened and what the principal has done so far and hand it out to all the parents who have children in the school, the more people who know the more pressure on the principal to do something


Just checking in to see how things are going with this situation.  I hope you are getting results!!  Please keep us posted!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on March 13, 2008, 01:17:40 PM
Just checking in to see how things are going with this situation.  I hope you are getting results!!  Please keep us posted!!

Well no results were made and yesterday while at work my daughter called and said that the girl was talking to her friend and they were talking about how they wished that they had a gun. That was it the police were called and my dad went to get my daughter out of there. By the time I got there from Independence two officers were there and my dad and the principal were discussing what is considered a weapon and we repeatedly ask him to show us were the definition of a weapon was in the policy and he wouldn't. The police officers agree with us and so do most of the staff at Elk Valley. So today I took off work and went and checked Cheyenne out of Elk Valley and enrolled her in the Cherryvale diploma center. Wow what a great program and it was the best $200.00 I will ever spend!!!! I have cried so much this week I thought that I was having a nervous breakdown. Now I can go to work and have peace of mind that Cheyenne is safe and sound at home doing her schooling right here in the seat that I am in right now. Sad thing is now the girl will pick someone else to bully and some other child and parent will go through the same hell that we have just went through.I used to think that I was a strong person but this has taught me that I am not as strong as I thought. Cheyenne will graduate with the Cherryvale seniors and be able to walk across the stage with them and recieve her diploma. The police have been great and so has the staff at
Elk Valley it is just the principal who is a blankity blank blank. You know the sad thing is that I was born and raised her and have always been proud of my community but now I am very bitter and hate it here. Times have changed and most children now have no morals and values anymore and it saddens me to be raising my daughters in this society, but I will keep instilling good values in them and hopefully they will never act like thugs. Oh yea and I forgot to mention the girls mother was going to the Elk County court house today to get a restraining order placed on Cheyenne for stalking her daughter!!!!!!! I don't even care anymore she can act like the fool that she is and all I have to say to this family is that Karma is a b*tch and they will pay the ultimate price one day.

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