Started by Wilma, March 10, 2008, 09:33:42 AM

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I just got home from helping with the Junior High Scholars Bowl at West Elk. Several observations:

Yes, the students are taught history and expected to know it.
There are questions in every round (tonight we had 12 rounds) about history.
Some of the questions are American history, some world and some Kansas.

West Elk students know history as well as other schools, possibly even better.
The 8th Graders came in first in a 10-team field. They didn't lose a single round.
So, speaking just of history, they retained what they learned in grade school and from Mr. Madison.

(Obviously they have retained information in other areas, they did come in first!)

When it comes to teaching to the test - they almost have to.
We lose state and federal funding if we don't. And that's not right.

I think West Elk has some excellent teachers all the way around.
I had kids at both Severy and Moline elementary schools. They're both good.

I also think we have a good administration.
They are not perfect and I don't always agree with their priorities, but I think they do a good job with what they've god.


But don't you think the teachers should get some sort of recongition from this not just the administration?  I know that there was an article in the paper a while back, about the grade schools reaching the state goals, and the administration was the ones praised on this.  I think that we need to think also about the teachers that don't get the high pay that the administrators do.  Yes, the administrators have a hard job, and I wouldn't want it at all.  But to pass these tests the teachers put in alot of work as do the students.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on March 10, 2008, 01:22:54 PM
Ok, as a former teacher of elementary.  I will tell you that each teacher has benchmarks to teach there students.  I think you can look them up on line, but don't really know where.  When I find out I will let you know.  And in Jr. Sr. high there are benchmarks that each specific teacher is to teach.  Benchmarks are what I consider teaching to the test.  But that is just because I am getting to not be a fan of public schools.  I know that is terrible but that is my opinion.  I can tell you they teach the stuff, but like Devyn said, when you can't remember it what is the use.  That means that the teacher didn't really do a great job! Or the student just wasn't paying attention.  Which is it Devyn???? :P :P

It was the teacher. And I hate to point fingers. I wansn't the only student who felt this way, or STILL feels this way. I had excellent grades my senior year and worked extremely hard. I can still remember everything from my accounting course, and English (which was my favorite), and Ag.

Dale Smith

When talking about "No Child Left Behind"... think of the teacher that has a room full of trainable mentally handicapped (TMH) students.  My sister teaches special Ed in Texas, and did you know that her students, who can barely function at a level slightly higher than a vegetable, must meet the same standards.  Come on... how silly is that?


Quote from: Dale Smith on March 11, 2008, 09:02:45 AM
When talking about "No Child Left Behind"... think of the teacher that has a room full of trainable mentally handicapped (TMH) students.  My sister teaches special Ed in Texas, and did you know that her students, who can barely function at a level slightly higher than a vegetable, must meet the same standards.  Come on... how silly is that?

You are so right!!  I think if I am right, no matter what ability the student is, they must take the test of which the level they are on??  You might ask your sister Dale!!  It really isn't fair.  But I do think that is they are getting special services, they have the same test, but possibly can have assistants, such as it read to them, but all the person can do is read the questions and the answers, no help.  I could possibly be wrong, but you might aske your sister.  Still, come on if they are in the 8th grade but can only read at a 1st grade level they will still never pass the test!!

It was the teacher. And I hate to point fingers. I wansn't the only student who felt this way, or STILL feels this way. I had excellent grades my senior year and worked extremely hard. I can still remember everything from my accounting course, and English (which was my favorite), and Ag.   I was just joking with you Devyn!!  I know that is what alot of people say, I wouldn't know I had different history teachers in the OLDER DAYS!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


If the students are being history in school then we adults need to go back to school to take history courses as well as courses in government.  We need to remember what has happen in the past so that we won't be repeating it in the future.

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