
Started by Devyn-Leann, March 03, 2008, 09:01:10 PM

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I finally completed the horrid task of cleaning my refrigerator. I clean it out weekly, scrub it down and take out what appear to be "science projects". They're really leftovers that Billy is suppose to be taking in his lunch but he forgets about. I absolutely hate this chore, it is definitly my least favorite. I then take all of the meat out of the freezer and scrub it down. My hands are pruney and cold by the time I get done. I think someone should invent a self-cleaning refrigerator. !!

My favorite chores are vacuuming and washing dishes. When we were making the plans for our new house, I requested that no dishwasher should be installed. People thought I was crazy. I don't know why, but I love washing dishes. I sure didn't when I was younger. My sisters and I had to wash dishes 2 nights a week when we lived with our dad and if we missed spots on several dishes he'd take EVERY single dish out of the cupboards and we'd have to wash EVERYTHING! Those were long nights. 


We don't have a dishwasher any more.
Had one once, some 30+ years ago and found we didn't use it enough to make it worth our while.
Neither of us mind doing dishes.

Cleaning the refrigerator is something else, though.
Sometimes the food smells get in my throat and make me gag. I can taste smells.
To clean, then, I fill the sink with warm soapy water and Jim or the kids (when they're home) clean out the containers and throw the food away, putting the containers in the sink. I can wash them then.

My least favorite chore is dusting. I don't.
Well . . . not enough.
And with my Barbies and Smurfs and books, I should dust more often.

Bonnie M.

I'm trying to think what kind of household chores I like to perform!  Let's see!  Well, I don't know that I can think of anything that I really do just LOVE to do!  There must be something!  If I think of anything, I'll post it later!

You "girls" are really go-getters, and I really do admire you for that!


I've never had a dishwasher in my whole life (well, except when my kids were old enough to be "dishwashers"...LOL). We have one now but it's not installed and won't be until we get a kitchen built ... one of our many future projects. Of all the household chores, washing dishes is the one I don't mind doing. The exception to that would be a big greasy roasting pan from the Thanksgiving turkey. I don't like cleaning out the fridge either or cleaning a stovetop.

Cleaning a bathtub is a job I really hate (all that bending over to scrub the sides) and our plans are to have a nice bathroom with a large walk-in shower so we don't have to deal with a tub anymore.

Laundry is a lot more enjoyable now that we can hang clothes on the outdoor lines to dry. Ironing....well, we've got an ironing board somewhere (I think!)

Keeping floors clean is also easier now that we have Roombas (robot vaccuum cleaners), but I still have to use a regular vaccuum to get the stairs and baseboards. Our home would be a lot less messy if we didn't have cats, but we love our "girls" and it's worth the extra work.

Housework is a lot easier -- or at least not as unpleasant -- now that we have a living space that is more open and "on view" all the time. In the past, it was easy to neglect rooms that had doors you could close and didn't have to look at the mess all the time. We also eliminated a lot of "stuff" when we moved, which really cut down the amount of time spent polishing, dusting, etc.


I can honestly say that I am not a great housekeeper.  Devyn know that, and I actually think that her son Lane probably runs that vacuum better than I do.  I know that I have to keep it, but now that I have the daycare it becomes harder to keep both places as clean as I would like.  I can't honestly think of one house hold chore that I really like to do.  I would say that the worst is to probably tackle the girls rooms.  I do make them clean with me, that has cut back on time alot.  They are all old enough, and the oldest even does dishes.  I have thought several times that I would like a dishwasher, but just don't know where I would put it in the house, so that is out. 

I have decided that Devyn, being the master cleaner needs to just clean my house and the daycare!!  Maybe she should just set up a housekeeping business.  I know that her Aunt does several places around town.  What do you think Devyn???? :-\ :-\ :-\

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Dale Smith

This is an interesting topic.  I don't mind doing the laundry, and I would much rather wash the dishes by hand, then to use the dishwasher... the only job that I would say I really hate is cleaning the bathroom... UGH. 


I am very obsessive compulsive when it comes to my home. I have everything organized and in its place at all times! EVERYTHING is labeled in my house. The insides of my cabinet doors are labeled with what goes where. I know if someone has been in my kitchen or office that didn't belong there. LOL. I've always been this way. I vacuum my living room twice a day, once in the morning, and once at night. Even if no one has been in the house all day. I really don't mind cleaning the bathrooms, we have 2. It just makes me feel better when everything is clean.  :-[  Even when I worked at Batson's, I was constantly dusting something.
If I had to pick something that I absolutely hated doing, it would be cleaning the mud room, cleaning Lane's "splatters" in his bathroom  ;), and of course the refrigerator. The mud room just seems to be pointless to me. I can clean it up real nice, clean all the rugs, sweep and mop it and an hour later it's right back to where it was. Lane is potty training right now, so his aim is a little off...or sometimes a lot off. I HATE cleaning that up. Yuck ! And you all know how I feel about that dang fridge!

Sometime I'll take pictures of my pantry and cabinet's labels. But right now I've got to tame a toddler and get him dressed so I can get to work. !!


 ::) I forgot something....

I have cleaned for other people and would probably do it again. My aunt thoroughly enjoys it and has built up a number of regulars. When I cleaned for some people this last spring, I just kind of got lost. It bothers me not being able to do things my way, or put things the way I want.   :laugh: I guess I'd have to get over that REAL fast.


Dishwashing by hand is the least thing I enjoying doing for housekeeping.  I enjoy using a dishwasher, it hids the dirty dishes and a great storage for clean dishes.  I enjoy cleaning refrigerators but not the bathroom.  Dusting I don't mind but I have to wear a dustmask because of my allegeries.

Judy Harder

I still iron. The loads are smaller of course, but this relaxes me.

I use to have a dish washer. I enjoyed having Bobby and Robyn and David and Terry doing them......LOL.
Told them if I was going to cook they would clean up...........

I did have a real dishwasher once but it didn't work and the best part of it is that it had a butcher block top and became storage in the kitchen.

I can't do the physical part of the cleaning any get up and down, won't.........get up and down, and altho I do try I pay for that by not being able to move the next day or have a homemaker come in twice a month.

Least favorite is the oven...........glad I don't cook anymore and make messes,  it does stay clean now.

When summer gets here I do garden, but I have gone to container gardening.....pots and pots of flowers. Feel I need some exercise.......LOL.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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