Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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And the national bend over without vasoline begins!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


And we are remodeling the kitchen and bathroom.. and I get to go pick up supplies next week in Dereks gas loving Suburban no less... sighhhh~~~ (( better book some more massages and Keep Kjell's nose to the grindstone..))  LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, "I know you are not going to like this" (justy kidding)but you can blame Oboma for alot of the growing shortages in energy. Since he has been in office he has either vetoed or failed to act on anything that would increase domestic production. People blame the oil companies when the oil companies are proposing to drill some of our major reserves. The oil companies are more than willing to take half as much per barrel and produce twice as many barrels. I SAY DRILL BABY DRILL, before it is to late, China is using more of the world's oil everyday, the muslim world controls some of the worlds largest oil reserves and they are becoming more anti-American everyday, if we don't get started drilling our reserves this country is facing major problems, we will have to guard our vehicles with guns to keep the Gas/Diesel have nots from stealing our gas.


Quote from: frawin on February 24, 2012, 12:14:35 PM
Teresa, "I know you are not going to like this" (justy kidding)but you can blame Oboma for alot of the growing shortages in energy. Since he has been in office he has either vetoed or failed to act on anything that would increase domestic production. People blame the oil companies when the oil companies are proposing to drill some of our major reserves. The oil companies are more than willing to take half as much per barrel and produce twice as many barrels. I SAY DRILL BABY DRILL, before it is to late, China is using more of the world's oil everyday, the muslim world controls some of the worlds largest oil reserves and they are becoming more anti-American everyday, if we don't get started drilling our reserves this country is facing major problems, we will have to guard our vehicles with guns to keep the Gas/Diesel have nots from stealing our gas.


Hi I hope all is better with your daughter and new grandchild. I want to know what you think of the new horizontal drilling boom that is going on in OK and KS. Nancy


Quote from: K.R. on February 24, 2012, 12:29:09 PM
Hi I hope all is better with your daughter and new grandchild. I want to know what you think of the new horizontal drilling boom that is going on in OK and KS. Nancy
Thanks Nancy, our daughter is doing fine, our new Granddaughter is improving everyday. They tell us the surgery was sucessful but they can't say when they will release her. She is 2 weeks old today and today is the first day they have taken alll of the life support tubes out of her, she still has wires monitoring her vitals.. She is so pretty and precious, our daughter got to hold her for the first time day before yesterday, and she is really enjoying it. I am ready to drive back to Chicago to get to hold her.

In response to your question regarding Horizontal drilling, I like it, it really saves tearing up so much surface. You can drill one well that will produce/drain the oil and gas from a large area, for instance one well might drain an area that conventional drilling might require 10 or more wells. I have been involved in some horizintal wells, they are expensive and if they don't find/hit the pay zones it is a big loss, but if they hit thay pay off very well.

W. Gray

A radio talk show in Denver this morning listed a number of oil related items that Obama has reduced since he took office. Oil drilling on federal land was also mentioned as being reduced by 11% under Obama.

$2.98 per gallon today in Centennial, CO.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


That is good news for all of you and our prayers will continue. What do you know about the contracts that have the pooling clause in them? There are alot of companies wanting to lease land in this area. Nancy


Crude oil has not settled yet for the day, it is currently at $109.75, up $1.92 on the day.


Quote from: K.R. on February 24, 2012, 01:09:19 PM
That is good news for all of you and our prayers will continue. What do you know about the contracts that have the pooling clause in them? There are alot of companies wanting to lease land in this area. Nancy
Nancy, I am working on two tracts of land that is for lease, I don't like any of the lease styles I have seen, but I don't want to go into detail here.

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