Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Diane Amberg

That Copper River salmon sure tastes good! We were in Cordova in 2005 when the lots were drawn and the little boats were starting to go out for their turn to fish. I thought the lottery system was very interesting. I think some folks made more money by selling their early number than by selling their catch. I learned about the "bow pickers" and the "stern pickers".  It's a fascinating way of life. I'll enjoy hearing more about the Pebble.


yummmmm.. I love salmon..and I bet the fresh right off the boat is to die for.
Makes my mouth water..and I'm not even hungry right now.  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I got this request from a gal who is a "lurker" on this forum..  :)
But she wants this up on here.. and sent it to me to put up.
So being the "nice" poerson I am.. I said I would..

((You all realize that my ass wouldn't be as far in the controversial sling it is in if everyone put their own stuff up.))  ;)
But.......I'll take it for the team.. cause I really DO think this needs to be listened to.

There is 8 parts to this.
It is very interesting... VERY INTERESTING!

Frank.. I need your input on this.

In fact, it would be interesting to hear what others have to say too.

each part is on the site...but this is part 1)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I have listened to all of his parts... plus some of his other stuff.

This man is no dummy....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I got up around 4:30 this morning and I listened to all 8 of Lindsey Williams' segments. I intend to listen to them again. What can you say when there is so much controversal information. My first thought is that he is trying to sell books. I know that you couldn't begin to drill and produce the ANWR and build the infrastrcture in one year and have crude oil flowing into the lower 48 in that short of time. The real point that made me think he was making sensationalism to sell books  was when he made the inuendo that JFK was assasinated because he knew about this big conspiracy.  I feel that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone or if in a conspiracy it was with Castro. The other big point is if all of the people that he indicated have or could be killed for knowing this information, why has he not been assasinated. Reserves  "ESTIMATES" in an area covering the mass that ANWR is are not firm and absolute , they are calculated and estimated. All in all it is interesting and certainly there is no question that the US and World debt is of GIGANTIC proportions and there will be a day of reckoning. There are massive amounts of Natural Gas being reinjected in the North Slope and ConocoPhillips and partners have been working on getting approval and permits to lay a pipeline to the lower 48 and to transport the gas. It will happen someday but it will take alot of time an massive investment. When people complain about the oil company profits, they need to realize that they are reinvesting those profits in to projects like the Alaska to lower 48 gas pipeline. That project could take 10 + years and 20 Billion dollars, the oil company group that does it will not see a dime return for 10 years.
I will listen again a take notes this time. I would like to know how many millions this guy has made from the 6 or so books he has written. God help us all if he is even half right.
You know the current oil "crisis" may be our last warning to save Earth from the pollution of waste burning from Petroleum Based fuels, if we do develop and have 200 years of oil for Americans to waste I think it would spell disaster. Americans are the most wasteful energy users on Earth, we can change that with the development of altrenate sources of fuel, for the sake of my children and grandchildren I hope we continue to reduce consumption and develop other sources of power such as Hydrogen Fission, electric and whatever else that is clean and non polluting.


I just googled this guy, he is one of those folks who preach about the end times in a sensational way. His site sells survival gear, a red flag IMO. I will try to locate his book and read it. It might be interesting, although some of the others looked interesting also. I love sci-fi!


Thanks for the input Frank.
**If everyone publically knew what I  and those closest to me have done for .." when the survival times" hit.. I would probably be deemed "a sci-fi project myself.  ;) **  But I'd rather be prepared..self sufficient and safe,  than panicked, caught with my shorts down(so to say)  :)
When I listened to more of him.. I figured as much on his marketing his books.. but he isn't stupid..and to have THAT much information (even some of it extreme) doesn't get accumulated overnight and without lots of research.. And he has some valid points and statistics. So it leaves me listening..but not understanding what I am hearing.
I have to say that I kind of fast forwarded on a little bit of it in places. ( I am not really smart enough or up on all of it enough to know in full what he was talking about. )

I feel in your response that you are not totally disputing him ..but that he has maybe sensationalized some of the information ..for the sake of his books?  I realize too that no one of us has all the answers ..but I value your opinion and knowledge on this subject.. That is why I wanted your take on it.

Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment for me.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I recieved this  from my Congressman in West Texas, in response to some questions I e-mailed him about. It is a bit slanted politically but it  also contains good information on some things that need to be done now and in the future.

House Republicans Unveil Energy Plan, Real Solutions for American
Putnam: "Washington is broken, and it is no more apparent than on soaring energy and gas
prices under the Democratic Congress"
May 21, 2007
At a news conference on the steps of the U.S. Capitol today, House Republicans unveiled our plan to deliver real energy
solutions and lower gas prices for Americans facing pain at the pump. Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL), Chairman of the
House Republican Conference, issued the following statement:
"Washington is broken, and it is no more apparent than on soaring energy and gas prices under the Democrat Congress.
"More than two years ago, Speaker Pelosi promised a 'commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices.' Since
Democrats took control of Congress, gas prices have risen more than 60 percent and Americans are paying a hefty Pelosi
Premium at the pump. This is not the change Democrats promised Americans, and it is the not the change Americans
"The American people are hurting from a slowing economy, the housing crunch and rising costs of living. They are tired of
waiting for the long-promised 'commonsense plan' to lower gas prices. They are impatient with a Democrat energy policy that
is chock full of job-killing tax hikes, burdensome regulation and no new American energy.
"Today, House Republicans unveiled an energy plan that offers meaningful solutions for American families. Through this
agenda, we will increase production of American-made energy – including next-generation oil, natural gas, clean-coal,
renewable and alternative energies – while protecting our nation's natural resources. We will cut red tape and increase energy
supplies by spurring the construction of new refineries and nuclear power plants, as many European nations are doing. And
we will make America more energy efficient by offering significant conservation tax breaks to Americans who invest in green
technologies for their home, car or business.
"The American people have had it with skyrocketing gas prices and a Democrat Congress that offers no meaningful solutions.
Our House Republican plan provides real solutions to produce American-made energy, help lower gas prices and make us
more energy independent. That is the change America deserves."
House Republicans Work to Lower Energy Prices
Republicans are committed to a comprehensive energy reform policy that will boost supplies of all forms of energy right here
at home to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, protect us against blackmail by foreign dictators, create
American jobs, and grow our economy. Our agenda aims to increase supply of American energy, improve energy efficiency,
and encourage investment in alternative and renewable energy technologies. With 21st Century technologies and the strictest
environmental standards in the world, America must produce more of our own energy right here at home and protect our
environment at the same time. The American people deserve to use their own resources and keep the cost of energy from
skyrocketing further.
When it comes to energy production, while our global competitors are pursuing 21st Century technologies, America is stuck in
the 1970s. On electricity production alone, for example, just to keep up with new demand, by 2030, the United States must
build 747 NEW coal plants, 52 NEW nuclear plants, 2,000 NEW hydroelectric generators, and add 13,000 NEW megawatts of
renewable power. The dire need to increase domestic oil and gas production is no different. Yet, the Democratic Majority
refuses to lead.
How Washington is Broken:
The Democratic Majority's "Just Say No" Energy Policy Darkens America's Energy Future:
No production of American energy resources, which increases reliance on unstable foreign sources such as Venezuela,
Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
No new oil refineries built, which increases gas prices and reliance on imported fuel.
No new transmission lines, which hinders renewable electricity getting to consumers and reduces reliability.
No new coal power plants, which increases electricity prices and stifles the economy.
No new advanced zero-emission nuclear plants, which blocks one of the cleanest, most reliable energy sources
No new zero-emission hydro-electric plants, which blocks reliable clean energy.
No liquefied natural gas terminals, which increases prices and ships jobs overseas.
Democrats' prohibitions on producing American energy resources have made the U.S. more reliant on imported oil and
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natural gas.
Democrats' roadblocks on the utilization of energy from our North American neighbors, have made the U.S. more
reliant on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Democrats' unfavorable tax rules have sent energy investment and production abroad.
Democrats' unnecessary red-tape and bureaucracy have made it nearly impossible to move forward on new clean
power generation.
Democrats' 1970s-era energy policies have canceled dozens of power plants, reducing electricity supplies and
increasing electricity costs to consumers.
Democrats' refusal to provide incentives for individuals and businesses has made it difficult to invest in efficient
How Republican Solutions Will Fix It:
Meeting Our Energy Needs with American Made Energy.
The comprehensive House Republican plan will fund research and development of technologies and innovations which
advance the use of renewable and domestically available energy sources, increase energy efficiency, and ease the
environmental impacts of energy use.
1) Increasing the Production of American-Made Energy in an Environmentally-Safe Way
a. Support actions that reduce America's dependence on energy from unstable foreign governments and dictatorships by
increasing environmentally-safe production of oil and natural gas in areas such as the arctic coastal plain and in deep ocean
energy resources; and
b. Promote unconventional fuels such as coal-to-liquids technology and recovering our vast oil shale reserves by:
Increasing access for environmentally responsible development of conventional and unconventional domestic oil and
natural gas production;
Providing coal-to-liquids financing and tax incentives;
Advancing the commercialization of the nation's two trillion barrel shale oil resource, 80 percent of which occurs on
government-owned land in the West. This is enough to supply all of America's needs for over two centuries.
2) Promoting New, Clean, and Reliable Sources of Energy
a. Encourage more production of environmentally-safe energy to increase the use of our vast domestic supply, reduce
emissions, and keep coal-dependent communities strong; and
b. Expand emissions-free nuclear power, including long term nuclear waste storage solutions and recycling spent fuel by:
Providing production and investment tax credits for all new base-load electricity projects such as advanced nuclear
power and clean coal; and
Allowing immediate expensing for new renewable or zero emission power.
3) Cutting Red Tape and Increasing the Supply of American-Made Fuel and Energy
a. Expedite permitting for enhanced oil recovery projects, including CO2 delivery and injection, as well as permitting for new
refining capacity;
b. Improve environmental review and permitting to encourage the deployment of technologies which increase the efficiency
of existing power plants; and
c. End ill-advised policies that have led to the proliferation of unique gasoline and diesel fuel formulations known as
"boutique fuels," which have fragmented our motor fuels distribution system, choked off supply, and exacerbated the
already-painful Pelosi Premium.
4) Encouraging Greater Energy Efficiency by Offering Conservation Tax Incentives
a. Support technologies to help increase energy efficiency in all sectors of the American economy, including removing
bureaucratic regulatory barriers that prevent businesses from upgrading their facilities with newer, more efficient energy
technologies, by:
Making home energy efficiency upgrades tax deductable;
Providing incentives for home builders and homeowners to make their homes more energy efficient;
Offering investment expensing for industrial and commercial building efficiency upgrades;
Extending the residential and business solar and fuel cell investment tax credits, with enhancements to the residential
solar credit ($2,000 per H kw installed);
Extending the fiber-optic distributed sunlight investment tax credit; and
Increasing the energy efficiency of government-owned buildings.

W. Gray

"Pelosi Premium" at the pump.

I like the ring of that.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, that might be a good by-word for McCain to use in his speeches.

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