Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Ole Granny

If nothing else, it is teaching my grandson, 17, the need for conserving.  He is learning to plan his day so as to not waste  fuel needlessly.  No doubt his needs are different than ours but he is concerned.  When he returned home this evening, the first thing he was talking about was the price of fuel here, CA  and Scotland.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Dignified Redneck

Okay, so explain something to this simple country girl. Which political or administrative dept for the oil & gas industry puts out those news blips about oil hitting $xxxx per barrel? I bought unleaded fuel for $2.95 one night last week, yes - last week. On the way to work the next morning, one of those "little blips" was repeated by "Dan Dillon" on KFDI during the 7 a.m. news & sure nuff by the time I got to work, unleaded had jumped from $2.95 at the station I had bought it from the night before to $3.19. I just suppose they got a "new load" of fuel in after I had bought my fuel!!!!!!  I fully realize that your lively hood has came from the oil industry for 40 years & I don't begrudge you your good fortunes. But the way the gas prices are handled in these times smells just a little bit in my observations. My grandma always told me, if it smells like a skunk, has stripes like a skunk, it probably is a skunk. I'll agree that America needs to learn to conserve & I do my part anyway I can. But if I'm gonna get robbed, I'd atleast like to see the face of the skunk robbing me.
Age & treachery will outlast youth & skill any time !!!!!!!!!!


Isn't that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Oil, Gas, coal, Gasoline, Fuel oil etc., wheat, pork,beef, soybeans, all grains and commodities are bought and sold daily on the NYMEX New York and Chicago Mercantile exchanges, and other exchanges around the world, they are bought and sold by industry and individuals  that need the commodity or a locked in price or contract volume for a cerrtain time period or to hedge the cost side or sales  of their business. You can buy or sell for years into the future. The trading is open market trading just like the Stock, bond and all other financial and commodity markets. Free market priced by supply and demand. The sooner America realizes that oil  is not an infinte supply and that the world population and demand is growing at a rapid pace the sooner we will start conserving.Neither the United States or anyone enity in the United States has any control over the price of oil, we are the biggest user not the biggest producer. We produce a small amount of what we use and we have to compete with the rest of the world for the additional volume. Opec and Non-Opec producers and the large Users, mainly China, India , Japan and Western Europe set the price, "supply and demand sets the price, no skunks.
Frank Winn




What I am beginning to really notice is the rise in price at the grocery! A certain can of beans that hubby adores has risen from 46 cents to 62 cents in the past year. Coffee has gone to over ten dollars for three pounds! Sunflower seed has nearly doubled in price! Where will it all end?


Unfortunately energy affects the price of everything in this country, the cost to produce, the cost to process and the cost to deliver to the final destination.
Frank Winn


We should all follow Joanna's example and plant a big garden this year.  Dig it by hand, save on fuel.  Hoe it by hand, save on fuel.  Use an old push lawn mower, save on fuel.  And when we do all these things by hand we won't have time to get in the car and use gas to go somewhere.  Save on fuel.  Don't bet on me doing it this way.


Wilma, your suggestion would surely work cause by the time you get all that done "by hand" you'll be too tired to get in the car and go anywhere.  ;D


50-60 + years ago nearly all of the gardens in Howard were plowed by Horses and the people did work them by hand. Willis Roberts had  a gray team and he plowed nearly every garden in town. The only gas involved then came from the horses they didn't burn it they produced it.

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