Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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I realize what you are saying Pam.. but to continue begging Arab oil sheiks to produce more oil, America should ..if we can...produce our own oil to increase our supplies and drive down prices.

ANWR holds the largest estimated oil reserve on land in North America at ..(they say) 16 billion barrels... and this is  according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

You know that I am in favor of Mother Earth to be left alone.. BUT... to the expense of energy domination over people who hate our guts... I would say that ..IF... drilling in a small portion of the Artic , get us out from under the "Sheik".. then we need to do it.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Teresa, that subject has come up in discussions with the oil producing nations, their point , "the United States wants to exploit the land and oil reserves of everyone else while trying to preserve the US lands and reserves". As a consequence of our refusal to develop more of our reserves their is a school of thought that the producing Nations will or are reducing their sales to us in order to stretch their oil reserves over a longer period of time and have future income. People were opposed to the Alaskan Pipeline saying that it would upset the enviroment and destroy the Caribou herds, I think time has proven that to be wrong.

W. Gray

The Alaska Pipeline begins at Prudhoe Bay and runs south for 800 miles to an oil terminal at Valdez for tanker shipping.

The pipeline has been running for 31 years.

We hear a lot of people saying we should not drill in the Artic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) because it will cause a calamity, destroy the environment, etc.

The coastal plain of ANWR where oil drilling would take place begins only 58 miles east of Prudhoe.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I'm a realist. I know they are gonna develop the Arctic sooner or later. I also know there will be environmental consequences. I also know those consequences won't be worth it in the end. I know what land looks like when there is a leak, of either oil or saltwater. I've had to fix broken lines. Nothin grows.......for a LONG time. Where there are rigs there are gonna be leaks. I've been in this fix most of my life, my dad worked in the oil fields most of the time I was growin up, I know oil is a necesary evil, but i also think an oil well is the worst thing you can do to a piece of land. Anyway....................guess it doesn't matter.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I am familiar with the Alaskan Pipeline and the oil movements, I was involved in tanker loadings and the movement of oil out of there for several years. My brother-in-law was an engineer on the piprline during it's construction, and many of the people I worked with at Phillips worked on the project from start to finish. The Major oil companies go to great lengths and expense to protect the enviroment, and for people to compare drilling and production today with what it was 30-40-50 years ago is totally unfair. Moreover to compare what drilling and production was by the independents is also a poor comparison. A good example is the delays that occurred when the Oil companies wanted to drill offshore, lots of people said it will be a disaster it will destroy Marine  life, in fact is has been the opposite and Marine life thrives in and around the Platforms. The Oil companies need to educate the people more or they can wait untill people can't get enough gas or it is so high we can't afford it.


frank, we are just gonna have to agree to disagree.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I understand, having spent 40 years plus in the oil and gas industry I am used to that. Having been married for 44 years I am used to that. Having had 7 sisters I am used to that. Having raised 3 children, I am used to that.


I stopped worrying about what oil wells were doing to the environment one day when driving through northern Oklahoma.  I don't know exactly where we were and probably couldn't find it today.  But here were all these operating pumps and really close together.  And you know what else was there surrounding the pumps and tanks?  Green grass and contented cattle.  Kind of like grazing cows and sheep together.  It wasn't supposed to work but it did.  I am enough of an optimist that I think that our country isn't going to do anything that will cause the "Big Boom".


How much of the oil drilling rig in space is used.
Did I say that right?

Will it really cause harm and will the leakage be enough to cause problems? Or is that overblown. I am just lately been reading and delving into it..and I see and understand both sides.. which makes it double hard to understand or believe either side.

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