Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Quote from: frawin on August 18, 2011, 07:15:54 AM
The 42 Gallons is correct, the 19.5 is not, there is a very wide difference in what a barrel of oil yields. The Gravity, Sulfur, Wax, the Refinery Capabilities all have a big impact on what a barrel of crude oil will yield. Some of the Mexican crudes are very high in wax. Some Refineries yield more Diesel, or more Gasoline, more Fuel Oil, etc. The inherent vices of crudes is why there are so many price differentials in crude.
thats why i said around 19.5 it varies.  It solves the problem of going through all the variations of oil out there. LOL
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You talking of the wax in oil reminds me of a story Paul Harvey had on his "and now you know the rest of the story". He told of a dude, way back when, that cashed in on the problem of wax building up on the sucker rods, which they called "rod wax" he invested his life savings into turning that rod wax into Vaseline---and now you know the rest of the story---------rod wax ?---Vaseline ?
I gotta go mow the yard Frank--you can explain it !! :angel:


Quote from: jarhead on August 18, 2011, 09:04:55 AM
You talking of the wax in oil reminds me of a story Paul Harvey had on his "and now you know the rest of the story". He told of a dude, way back when, that cashed in on the problem of wax building up on the sucker rods, which they called "rod wax" he invested his life savings into turning that rod wax into Vaseline---and now you know the rest of the story---------rod wax ?---Vaseline ?
I gotta go mow the yard Frank--you can explain it !! :angel:

OMG! You gave me my best laugh of the mornin so far


Quote from: jarhead on August 18, 2011, 09:04:55 AM
You talking of the wax in oil reminds me of a story Paul Harvey had on his "and now you know the rest of the story". He told of a dude, way back when, that cashed in on the problem of wax building up on the sucker rods, which they called "rod wax" he invested his life savings into turning that rod wax into Vaseline---and now you know the rest of the story---------rod wax ?---Vaseline ?
I gotta go mow the yard Frank--you can explain it !! :angel:

Ron, here is the best short version of the history of "Rod Wax" and the discovery of "Vaseline"

The Vaseline® journey started in 1859, when a 22 year old chemist from Brooklyn, New York named Robert A. Chesebrough, went to Pennsylvania to investigate an oil well. The oil industry was in its infancy, and Chesebrough, like many, was hoping to earn profit out of it.
While Chesebrough was there, he discovered a gooey substance known as 'Rod Wax' that was causing problems to the oil rig workers, as it stuck to the drilling rigs, causing them to seize up.
Chesebrough noticed that oil workers would smear their skin with the residue from their drills, as it had the property to heal their cuts and burns. He got curious and took some Rod Wax home where he started experimenting with it. After months of testing, he managed to successfully extract usable petroleum jelly out of it.
By 1870, Chesebrough was marketing his petroleum jelly product by the name of Vaseline®, and within ten years, the product's increased exposure and popularity meant that almost every household in America had a jar of Vaseline®. Chesebrough expanded his business to Canada, the United Kingdom and various British colonies all over the world.
New mothers used it as an absorbent shield for diaper rash. Professionals working in extreme cold weather used it to relieve their dry chapped skin. Even Commander Robert Peary carried a jar of Vaseline when he travelled to the North Pole; as it was the only thing that wouldn't freeze in those extreme conditions.
By the late 1880s, Chesebrough was selling Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly nationwide at the rate of one jar per minute and most medical professionals recognized Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly as the standard remedy for skin complaints.
By 1911, the company began opening operation plants and factories in Europe, Canada and Africa for manufacturing and distributing the product.


Crude Oil settled at $82.38, down $5.20 on the day. The dollar improved against the Euro and and the concern that the US is going in to a recession pushed crude down.

Ms Bear

I sent the information about the Vaseline to my son.  He was very interested in the other information you gave me.



Crude Oil is trading at $81.70, down $0.68. I look for pump prices to drop today. The markets are in unchartered terriotry. I don't see much confidence out there that Obama is going to do anything to help with all of the problems that are looming.


thats one of the reason i won't ever run quaker state oil in my car.  It siezes up the engines. Builds up wax in the valley and just cooks the engine.  Every engine i have ever worked on that ran quaker state was like this and usually they were siezed.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Al won't use Quaker State either.


Quote from: frawin on August 19, 2011, 07:17:39 AM
Crude Oil is trading at $81.70, down $0.68. I look for pump prices to drop today. The markets are in unchartered terriotry. I don't see much confidence out there that Obama is going to do anything to help with all of the problems that are looming.

I don't think so either, he's too busy off in kerry land.  Uhm interesting i was hearing where the gold prices broke another record.  And they were saying that the gold prices are heading for a bubble.  Same thing happened in 1982. gold was over 800 a oz and overnight it dropped to 230 a oz.  People lost their butts on that one!  Same thing is going to happen with this.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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