Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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April Crude Oil settled at $80.87, up $1.195 on the day, the back months are all trading higher with Dec 10 at $83.89.
Natural Gas settled at $4.757, up $0.047 on the day. The back months are trading higher with Dec-10 in the $5.83 range. The eia/doe Gas storage report comes out tomorrow and the projection is for another big draw.


April Crude settled at $79.80, down $1.454 on the day, April Natural Gas traded pretty flat all day and closed unchanged at $4.391.
Our Neighborhood pump price is $2.44 for regular, with Ethanol .


April Crude settled at $82.93, up $1.23 on the day. The eia/doe report came out today and showed a drop in product and crude supplies.
Natural gas for April settled at $4.303, down $0.044 0n the day.


Our Neighborhood gasoline price is $2.58, we just got back last night from California and the Gasoline price is around $0.50/gallon + higher than ours. When you look at the constant traffic on the Freeways it is easy to see why there is so much gasoline demand in America. The clock is ticking for another big Energy Shortage.


And you didn't stop by?  Did you wave and I missed it? 

Yeah, gas prices are running $2.99 to $3.09 in this neighborhood.  As you stated, there are so many cars on the freeways and roads, can you imagine how much money is spent on gasoline in one day?  Gas station owners will tell you that after the federal and state taxes are taken out and the distributor is paid, they don't see much profit.  They also used to say that all the money they earned came from the garage side of the business.  Do you know how hard it is to find a gas station that actually does car repair around here?  Very few, because most people go back to the dealer where they bought the car.  Now, the gas station owners say that most of the profit comes from the mini-mart at the gas station.  I personally think they don't make a whole heck of a lot of money selling cigarettes and potato chips to stay in the black.  And, now, with the coming of warm weather, our gasoline will be formulated to cut down of the emissions because of smog, giving the oil companies an excuse to raise the price because to reformulate is expensive.  Combine this with one of the oil refineries shutting down for maintenance, as usually happens, or maybe one will have a fire, and the price will jump up immediately.  Can't wait!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, I would like to have stopped by but was fully tied up with our Daughter's wedding. They were married in the Garden of the Long Beach Musuem, it was a really neat location and the weather was great.


NYMEX Crude for September settled at $79.30, up $2.74 on the day, NYMEX Natural Gas for August settled at $4.643, up $0.13 on the day. Demand is up, the Dollar is down and both dictate higher crude prices. In addition Iran and others want to get away from the Dollar and the EURO in crude pricing. I would say pump prices are going up in the short haul. Our neighborhood station has regular at $2.56 gallon.

Jo McDonald

I filled up at P&J's on Wednesday and it was $2.79. 


Average in SoCal is $3.07

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

W. Gray

Aurora, CO, today, at Valero.

$2.59 for 85 Octane
2.69  for 87 Octane
2.79  for 91 Octane
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