Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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All great ideas, there needs to be many changes made in the next few years. The rest of the world is increasing their energy consumption every day and as consequence the price is going up. For years the American people have said we need to find and drill for and produce more oil, what we really need to be pushing is conservation.

Diane Amberg

I know you all have ethanol mixed gas out there. Do you happen to know what % of the gas is ethanol?


I don't know the % of ethanol in the gasoline, but I do know that it eats up the gaskets in your small gas engines (lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws).

W. Gray

The neighbor to the west requires 10 percent.
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Most of the stations that I have noticed that have it show 10%, Ethanol is not required in Oklahoma or Texas but it is required to be posted if it is included.  The gas mileage is lower on Ethanol, and there remains some thoughts that it maybe detrimental to engines over a long period of usage. I still have a problem with using grains, Corn, etc for gasoline. It will drive up the cost of meat and I have a problem burning corn to drive vehicles when people are starving in the world.


There's a van there in Elk County that takes people to Wichita, Independence, etc. for Dr. appointments and such.  I know that they also stop for shopping, etc. as well.  All they require is a small donation for fuel.  Some of you might want to check about that service.  Several could go on the same day, etc.

Diane Amberg

Frank, I totally agree. We're also learning about the gaskets, Wilma, all of our little gas users are quite old. Our Honda CRV supposedly is OK with 10% ethanol, but not 15%, so I guess we'll be alright. I'm still trying to calculate mileage for our trip. Maybe some day we can learn to use corn "waste" as the duPont Co. here is working on, or sugar cane waste as is done in South America.


If they can use sugar cane why can't they use Johnson grass? It was imported for silage, is impossible to kill, and looks much the same to me as sugar cane. Isn't it the cellulose that they use?


I recently read where they are experimenting using Seaweed, it is plentiful and reproduces very fast. Correction that should read Algae instead of Seaweed.

Rudy Taylor

Has anyone made that suggestion (about Johnson grass) to anybody official?

That just may have possibilities.

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