Better Fill up today

Started by frawin, February 28, 2008, 03:59:05 PM

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Judy Harder

I filled up today and just about cried when I got the total.
If this keeps up I am going to have to get rid of the car......the last of my
independence...........I am scared. (I paid 3.17 in Independence)
stuff keeps going up, but my social  security just hangs there.

Thank God I have what I do.......they stopped making us go to the Poor Farm.
Wonder where they went to.?? Just a thought.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


A news account today said it might get to $4 per gallon by summer time.


I know this hovering around $3 per gallon has affected my trips.

I used to go watch the wrestlers and the scholars bowl and forensics teams.
I can't afford it now. I have to pick and choose and only go to some of them.


America is going to have to learn to conserve energy someday. We have 4.62% of the world population and we consume 25% of the world oil production. Politicians are always advocating that we need to drill for more oil or we need cheaper energy, noone wants to say we need to conserve. In the middle of all of the energy shortage we build the Hummer that gets 6 miles per gallon in town and 7 miles per gallon on the highway and even worse we give a tax break for buying it. We need to tax people for 8 and 10 cylinder engines, on 6 cylinder engines we don't tax and on 4 cylinder engines and Hybrids we need to give tax breaks. We would consume less and also do less enviromental damage. If we don't change our energy consumption and waste in this country we are going to face major shortages in the future.
Frank Winn

Diane Amberg

Nah, let's just invade Canada and snatch all their oil. They've got lots. ;D ;D ;D


We are already getting all of the Canadian oil that the infrastucture will allow.

Diane Amberg

I filled up today for $3.09 and that was 10% ethanol, so we don't get as good a mileage.


Diane, I have never put any gasoline, that contained Ethanol in my vehicles. I have had others tell me that it didn't get as good mileage. $3.09 sounds like a good price for your area, in this area, Bartlesville, Oklahoma I paid $2.94 yesterday, I did see some $3.09 gas in Tulsa Wednesday. I assumed given all of the extra transportation involved in the oil to get to refineries in your area that you would be paying considerably more. Also the enviromental costs are higher for refining in your area.
Frank Winn

Diane Amberg

Environmental concerns are exactly why we have ethanol here, not by choice. We have to go way out in the country, almost to Lancaster Pa. before we see "real'' gas. We are having trouble now finding fuel for our little engines because ethanol isn't good for them. $3.09 was the best price anywhere today. Actually, taxes here add more to our costs than transportation does. New Jersey is always cheaper than we are but unless we are going anyway, it's too far to go just for gas.

Bonnie M.

The above is an interesting web-site, regarding gas prices anywhere in the U.S.A.  Ours cheapest is $3.34, I think, in our area.

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