British Viewpoint

Started by Teresa, February 27, 2008, 01:48:43 AM

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I watched as much of the video as my sloooowwwwwwwww dial up would let me and although what the man said in the video seemed to make sense, after looking at his webpage and some of his blogs I would have to say he is not the voice of the British viewpoint he apears to be anti any kind of religion and looks at Christians as an inferior group of ignorant people and insulting to those who do not think like he does.


Respectfully said.....................
Surely you are not  attempting to agree that  a faith like fundamentalist Islam that, as practiced by millions, keeps its people firmly rooted in the middle ages and denies basic rights to half of their society (women) something to disagree with?

Do you really want to defend a faith that allows women to be stoned to death for various sins?

The Mayans and Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. It was part of their religious faith. Human sacrifice is wrong no matter what your religion says about the matter.

Fundamentalist Islam, as practiced in Iran, Saudi Arabia and other nations is morally wrong in its treatment of women. Fundamentalist Islam takes away the rights of individuals to decide things for themselves. The mullahs make pronouncements that the peons must follow. The mullahs like it this way because it keeps them in power and living the good life. The state and religion is intertwined. Religion is the glue that holds the power structure together and keeps the elite in power.

Fundamentalist Islam as practiced in Saudi Arabia and Iran and other nations is morally bankrupt.

Just my opinion. .. but everywhere "stuff" is done hiding behind the dogma of religion.. No matter if it is Fundamentalist Islam, high and mighty holy roller's in the states calling themselves "Christians"..or the other 100,000 seculars of man made churches and man made laws attaching themselves to it for personal gain and power reasons.... it is still common sense to "treat people as you want to be treated". Simple as it may seem.. it should be the Golden Rule.
Stoning people to death.. killing people in the name of "the higher power" because it doesn't fit your man made religious power hungry doctrine wrong,  no matter where, or what part of the world you live in. And they do this in the name of the higher spiritual power??!?? Sorry, because it seems to be "bashing" their beliefs..I can't stand back and condone it! I can't personally do anything about it.. but I damned sure won't sit back and say that they have that right , because it is their religious freedom..
Wrong. It is everyone's religious freedom to "worship " their God/Goddess the way that they want.. it is NOT their right to kill, maim, torture and do harm to someone because that person chooses to NOT "go by the rules".
Harm, Hurt and Worship are not on the same line.

I guess when all of these types of people finally fill up the US...(as they are starting to do).. and we are stepping back to make accommodation's for them..( as we are already starting to do)  we all "might" have a bit of a different opinion.

Once again..respectfully saying..... Taking it to any limit you want to... and I might be in the minority here ...but I agree pretty much with what he said.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


It was not the video you posted that I disagreed with what little I heard I agreed with, it was some of his other blogs and writings he apeared to be looking down on people who don't think like he does and he denies the existence of God (any God) You are right a lot of people do a lot of terible things in the name of religion and they should be stopped and punished, I think if they did not use religion as an excuse they would find some other way to justify their bad behaviour. I just don't think that most of his opinions would carry much weight with the Brits
I also agree with you that when you come to another country to live you should follow the laws of that country and if you don't like it you should go back where you came from.

I guess that for me the difference is religion and relationship I have a relationship with my God and His Son Jesus, I am not very religious at all.

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