Prayer for Owen

Started by Judy Harder, February 20, 2008, 02:23:46 PM

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Judy Harder

This morning I learned that a baby here in the Longton area was Life Watched out to
the Children's Mercy in Kansas City and feel we all should start a prayer chain for him

Owen Donahey is the son of Vic and Angela Donahey of rural Longton.
Vic is employed by the game farm south of Longton and they live (bought) the old Berry pecan farm on the old highway.

Erythema Multi forme is the name of what Owen has.........or they suspect.
It is a minor form of Steven Johnson Syndrome.

I am still trying to get into my head what that is.....but the suspect a reaction to pencillin and it is a rash with big blisters and yes
it is life threatening. It does affect the auto immune;

Owen is not a year old, yet.....but he is getting close within a month or two and the sweetest baby.
He is almost always in church with his mother and 2 sisters and keeps us all entertained.

I will add more to this when I know anything. But, I know the faster we lift this family in prayer the faster they will get

The church has called for a prayer vigil this evening at the Longton Christian Church.

If you would join me on this forum you will be blessed.
I added a page of some of the bad things from this and hope it helps you understand

AOYP and God keep Owen and his family.

Lyell's syndrome; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Definition    Return to top

Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder resulting from an allergic reaction.

Causes    Return to top

Erythema multiforme is a type of hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, or illness. Medications associated with erythema multiforme include sulfonamides, penicillins, barbiturates, and phenytoin. Associated infections include herpes simplex and mycoplasma infections.

The exact cause is unknown. The disorder is believed to involve damage to the blood vessels of the skin with subsequent damage to skin tissues. Approximately 90% of erythema multiforme cases are associated with herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections. The disorder occurs primarily in children and young adults.

Erythema multiforme may become noticeable with a classic skin lesion, with or without systemic (whole body) symptoms. In Stevens-Johnson syndrome, the systemic symptoms are severe and the lesions are extensive, involving multiple body areas, especially the mucous membranes. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN syndrome, or Lyell's syndrome) involves multiple large blisters (bullae) that coalesce, followed by sloughing of all or most of the skin and mucous membranes.

Symptoms    Return to top

Multiple skin lesions:
With sudden onset, which may recur
That may spread
That may appear as nodule, papule, or macule
Central lesion surrounded by concentric rings of paleness and redness, also called "target", "iris", or "bull's eye"
May have vesicles and bullae (blisters of various sizes)
Located on the legs, arms, palms, hands, or feet
May involve the face or lips
Trunk is usually not involved
Usually symmetrical
Itching of the skin may be present
General ill feeling
Joint aches
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:
Vision abnormalities
Dry eyes
Bloodshot eyes
Eye pain
Eye burning, itching and discharge
Mouth sores

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

An update on Owen..
it looks like Owen has the lightest form of this disease.

He is still a sick boy and they are all still up in KC and still need prayer.
But, that is much better news than we heard last night.

See the power of prayer does work........where would we be with
out HIM.

Thanks for all your prayers. I will keep you up todate when I know anything else.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Prayers from our famnily too, for another precious child..healing will come!

Judy Harder

Just reporting that Owen and his family were in church Sunday.

This is a Praise the Lord..........he can't ever have penicilin products (sulfa instead)
Except for a little rash left over his out look is great.

Wish all our little ones could have this kind of report.
Prayers are what keeps the world growing......and me, too.

Hugs and God bless you all...........AOYP
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


that is a Praise the Lord.

as a side thought my daughter is allergic to penicilin and sulfa drugs so if he has not had them yet they might watch him carefully the first time he ever gets them

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