Started by flo, February 25, 2008, 04:03:29 PM

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Happy Birthday, Teresa, and I'd bake ya a batch of my special biscuits, but you'd just want to know how I get them so light and fluffy and that's my secret, so you'll just have to bake your own.  Many happy happy wishes to you.

Judy Harder

Happy Birthday.........You have joined the over the hill group...........and we are so
much fun. Never run out of something to talk about.......be it aches, pains or bodily habits.

It is so much fun growing older.........Many Happy Returns of the day Teresa,
and Angels on your pillow.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Happy Birthday, Ms. T, and I didn't mean all those mean things I said about you today.  LOL

Ms Bear


Happy Birthday Teresa, hope you have a great day .
Frank and Myrna


Happy, happy birthday!

What a wonderful month this is!

Ole Granny

Happy Birthday, Teresa! 

For you and your mother.

"A mother ...is....the best friend God ever gave." by Christian Bovee

"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend



Tomorrow is the day ..so right now I am skidding my feet so that I don't get there too soon. LOL
Oh well.. I really guess I should love my birthdays ( even if this is the "over the hump # 55" one)
cause that means I am still here to drive my kids crazy and to be mean to Ta Ta  ( and maybe Mama Wilma  ;) )

I do appreciate all the greetings. I have got some funny cards and some nice online cards.. And I LOVE cards... sooooo~~
Yep.. I think I like my birthday.  ;D

The best present of all was that my family all sneaked off to Wichita and had family pictures taken ..
They had a Pinochle card party for me Saturday night with supper.. and surprised me then with the pictures and I bawled like a baby.
Those pics are the best ever.
And yes I AM going to share just a few of them with you ... ( I  HAVE to brag you know) :)

Click on the pictures to see what makes this  55 yr old heart keep beating.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

And, Happy Birthday to you from sunny California.  (Today it's sunny, we've gotten some nice rains lately.)

Have a very good day.  Are you hearing from AARP?

Roma Jean Turner

HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Teresa.  I'm sure you had a fun filled celebration and nothing beats those family pictures.

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