Local soldier dies in Iraq

Started by Rudy Taylor, February 25, 2008, 03:56:40 PM

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If that same law is in effect in Howard I think you should give the Phelps group a nice open place to protest at the Sewer plant which is were people, S_ _ _ like him should be.


Mark just called and they called Derek and have called the fireman to get ready. That they have left Fredonia, and will be here in around 30- 40 minutes.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Go to it folks!  My heart is with you. :'( :-*


word from Fredonia is that the Phelpp's didn't stay in town long.  I shall never, in this lifetime, ever see anything to equal the dedication of the Patriot Guards.  I did not count, but they must have been from all over the country.  Someone mentioned there were a lot of out of state tags, anyhow.  If you watched that and kept a dry eye, then there is something wrong with your heart. God bless them and the one who they protected today.


It was a beautiful sight, all those bikes with the American flag flying going down the street.  By the time I thought of my camera, they were too far away.  I didn't count the bikes but I would estimate at least 300.


I think that there is one good thing that has come from the hatred of phelps and that is the Patriot Guard


We have it on video footage.. I will do the video this afternoon and get it up as soon as I can. Teri got some footage from the highway.. so I am waiting on Danny to bring her camera. We were not  down on the main strip because they came right by my house on Pennsylvania...so we were out in front..and there were people clear down the road on both sides..
We didn't go to the cemetery, as we both really didn't know what was "crossing the line" in video.. Even if it is a "memorial video" to honor.. I felt that the cemetery time was more private.

The funeral procession was 3.3 miles long with motorcycles 2 deep. John Wiseman was standing outside with us here and he was counting and he thought that he counted around 187 bikes. Plus all of the Trooper and patrol cars and the civilians cars and the uniformed military in vehicles..... You couldn't see that and NOT cry. I had so much pride inside my heart that I thought I was going to literally burst open.
I started crying as soon as the first batch of Patriot Guards came by the house. And then Rochelle and I lost it when the family's limo drove by and we saw Bryant's little boy staring at us with his little face pressed against the window. I can't even see to type right now for the tears ..remembering those wide little sad eyes... 
There is thousands of little children without their daddy's...  :'( :'( :'(  War is truly an ugly ugly thing.

I know that SSgt. Bryant Mackey was proud and honored today as he spiritually held his family in his arms and watched this procession honoring what he gave for his country. He can move into the light now, knowing all will be fine and that the angels and God will hold his children and family in their loving care.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


If anyone took snapshots.. would you mind sending them to me  on e-mail in the original size ..
and I will add them to the end of the video as a slideshow.
I didn't take snapshots.. and I wanted to be uptown when they came through, but when the first batch came by the house, we just stayed here in front.
But I would love to have some pics to add to the video.. If you wouldn't mind sharing.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


One of the Patriot Gauard belongs to the Legion there in Howard. I met him at the Chili-Soup Feed Saturday night. He retired from the Navy as did my brother Dwight and Dwight wanted me to meet him.

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