
Started by W. Gray, February 20, 2008, 09:37:19 PM

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Well said Wilma, theer is a lot of time now. The DEMOCRATIC race for the nomination is in the current forefront since John McCain seems to be a shoo-in for the republican nomination. These are historic times indeed. We have a worn out pilot, a guitar playing preacher, a wife of a philanderer and a black. I wonder how it will look fifty years from now!


This maybe the worst group of candidates in my lifetime. Not that it is a woman but that it is a far left liberal that I think will be bad for the country, not that it is a Black man but it is a further left liberal that will be bad for the country, as far as being a black man running, I would vote for Colin Powell tomorrow. Jon McCain's position on Illegal Immigrants is very concerning, John McCain has exhibited very poor self-control over his temper and I think John McCain will have a difficult time working with the business leaders in this country. It is really disappointing that we don't have better people running for President.

Roma Jean Turner

Well frawin,  I'm right there with ya!  I worry about McCains temper and working with the business community as well.


Yep..yes.. yep .. yes.. and yepper again.. and yeeesss..
I just worry .. period.
I know it won't do any good.. only cause me gray hairs and wrinkled skin.. but I still fret anyway.  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Don't you mean more gray hairs and wrinkled skin, Ms. T? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Now you stop that - you hear?  ???

You stop it right now!  :o

We wil NOT, repeat, we wil NOT get into a discussion on gray haris and wrinkled skin! ! !
;D    :D    ;D    :D    ;D    :D    :D    ::)    :laugh:

Judy Harder

Hey Hey HEY, Gray hair isn't anything to worry about......just buy a box and
DYE it...........LOL......or you could buy a wig.

I agree about Powell........I really wish we had him running. He would be good for
us and the world.......and oh well.......enough.

It is going to be a long year and I will save my mind for today instead of tomorrow.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I know what you mean Teresa, I found a gray hair last week, it really upset me. Every so often Myrna will say "hold still I see a gray hair"and she will pull it. Then I say hold still to her, I see a black one coming in, do you want me to pull it.


Frank Frank Franlk.. tsk tsk... :-X you have been married long enough to KNOW that you shouldn't say things like that~~~~   

So.. tell me.. After you tell her that ...
do you have to look at her through the one good eye that isn't swelled shut?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I always smooth it out by telling her ???????????. .

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