House Fire

Started by T. Sackett, February 16, 2008, 10:15:58 PM

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Ole Granny


We were very lucky to grow up in the area and the easy going times.  I was born in our house and raised there.  What a fun time!
Yes, and there were cute boys in Howard and Moline, too.  And Longton, too.  Do you remember Pat Slaughter from Cedar Vale?  She was a cheerleader and I believe Jerry's age.  My youngest daughter and Pat's daughter are best friends.  Went to school together for years and finally  I figured out we knew each other.  Small world.  No doubt you did well picking out your mate.  It is wonderful to see two people stay together in today's world.

"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Better late than never!!!  Sorry, I told mom I would get on and comment and forgot till just now. :-[

Not much to say that really hasn't been said.  Interior attack and several pointed exterior attacks were successful.  Don't know to what extent the damage is as a total since it was dark.  Cause is unknown, but seemed to start near kitchen area.  House was unoccupied and nobody was hurt.  Howard City Fire had an excellent response in both time and number of fighters.  To answer Diane's question, yes we have guys swapping out empty bottles for full ones.

Special thanks to Rob Wolfe, Brent DeWitt, Tyson Wilson, and Mark Townsley from the Moline City Fire Dept. for their assistance.  Also Jim Wiseman and Mike Mills from Elk County Rural for their help in bringing tankers for additional water support.  Sorry if I missed anyone else.

Also thanks to Elk County Ambulance, Howard City Police, and Elk County Sheriffs officers.  Another Big thanks to Penny Swanson and Sheriff Doug Hanks for the hot chocolate and drinking water!!


Somebody mentioned earlier on something about low water pressure. What that a problem part of the time?

If so, what can we do in the future to help you guys?


Yes it was an issue.

Best thing everyone can do is not take a bath or shower or flush the toilet when we are having a fire!!

Just kidding!! ;D

There are just some hydrants throughout town that have flow issues.  I don't know that there is a fix for it.  If it gets really bad, we will just have to run more hose and hook to a different hydrant.  We carry over 1200 feet of hose on each truck.


I know it isn't funny (or on purpose), but Chuck and I have a running joke about card party's at the Cookson's... it seems that every night you have a big card party... there is a big fire somewhere!  When we drive past on our way home from eating at Poplar, if we see a driveway full of cars... we always say, "bet there's a fire tonight"!
Glad you're all that close that you can support each other in work AND play!


haha  ;D  It sure seems like that sometimes, doesn't it?
But actually we all play cards A LOT!! So thank goodness it really isn't that way or the whole town would be burnt up!
But it is a sight to behold when we are all together and that whistle goes off..
The scrambling and dropping of food, drinks, cards..whatever is in the way is forgotten, and in a matter of seconds, the room is cleared out.

I'm still peeved about the GREAT hand I didn't get to play.. LOL
But then again , the guys all have Masons tonight to go to , so we girls are getting together to play Pinochle.. so maybe I will get another good hand..

( for anyone who knows the game of Single deck Pinochle ).. I had a run with both Aces, both nines... a pinochle ...and 2 other aces for meld..
that only left 2 cards in my hand that weren't meld! NOW you see why I wanted to play it?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

"NOW you see why I wanted to play it?"



with a single deck hand like that, you should have said "wait a minute, let's finish this hand first", but then again . . .  ::)


Well the report on the card games tonight was..

Rochelle &  Sheri - 1 win
Teresa & Teri - 1 bigger win..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And no fires?!?!  Maybe it's just a "guy thing"!   ;D

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