Guess who was on TV today

Started by Wilma, February 13, 2008, 03:31:05 PM

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I was watching the noon news on channel 12 today and I woke up just in time to see an attractive young lady answering tax questions.  The name Traci Wilnerd was on the screen.  She is about 17 years older since the last time I saw her at work.  Then she was just a secretary.  Now she is a Taxpayer Service Representative, quite a step up and one that has to be worked for.  Usually this slot on TV is filled by one of the ladies that have worked for the IRS for 25-30 years.  And who is Traci Wilnerd?  Sister-in-law to our own Empty Nest, daughter-in-law to Tiny and Carolyn Wilnerd.  Her mother is Odine Moore who I think ran Toot's for awhile.  It's good to see our young ones move up in the world.

Dale Smith

Wilma... who is she married to?  Craig Wilnerd?  (think that was his name, my 20 years away from Howard is making my memories dim)


Well, now, the reason I didn't name her husband is that I never could remember.  I was hoping Susan would see this and help me.


I just wanted to throw this experience in about TV reporters.  I was running some errands yesterday and stopped at a local taco place for lunch.  As I was waiting for my order a TV newsvan pulled in the parking lot and began setting up.  I decided to eat in my van and watch.  After setting up the young lady got out of the van and did her thirty second bit and then they packed up and left.  When I got home I turned on the that channel as they have local news at 2PM.  Sure enough there was that young lady doing her story which was about the 7-11 next to the taco place being robbed.  The curious part of this story is that the background of the shot she was doing was basically an empty lot.  When I saw it on TV she was standing in front of the local police station.  They had pulled a file picture of the station and used it as a background for her report.  Kinda makes you wonder how often things like that happen.   ???
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Janet Harrington

Traci Wilnerd is indeed married to Craig Wilnerd.  I haven't seen those two since the funeral of Craig's youngest brother, Scott, many, many years ago.  However; I'm sure that they were here for Joe Galvan's funeral that I didn't get to attend.  If you don't know the Wilnerd family, you are missing out.  They are a wonderful family who will make you laugh, laugh, and laugh some more until you almost pee your pants.  I love all of them.

Dale Smith

I will agree with you on that one Janet.  I knew Laurie, Amy and Andy all quite well.  Craig and Carol were graduating about the time I started school, but I worked iwth Amy and Andy out at the Nursing Home, while in High School.  Have some great memories of them.

Jo McDonald

First off...Yes, the Wilnerds are wonderful people. 

  Now -- Dale Where is your sister, Jennifer?  She was such a sweetie and when she joined The Order of The Eastern Star -- we were officers together, along with 16 others.  I enjoyed her very much.

Dale Smith

Jo... Jennifer lives just northeast of Houston, Texas in a small town... Huffman, Texas.  She has two boys, Greg and Doug.  Greg just graduated last year from Le Tourneau University in Longview, and is getting married next week.  Her younger son, Doug is a freshman at University of Texas, San Antonio.

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