Odds & Ends (April 7, 1923)

Started by T. Sackett, February 12, 2008, 03:06:55 PM

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T. Sackett

City Election

     Austin Kimzey, Mayor
     E.K. Longley, Police Judge
     G.L. Miller, Fred P. Osborn, H.S. Munsinger, Arthur Goodwin, Dr. Frank R. Reid, Councilmen.
     The above is the city ticket elected without opposition at the Howard City election last Monday.  There were only about eighty votes cast and only three or four voters scratched their ticket. Mayor Kimzey didn't suffer a scratch.
     This is notable from the fact that the past two years has witnessed the voting of a large bonded indebtedness and the construction of a complete water works and sewerage system for the city, measures which met with strenuous opposition.  But so well has the present administration handled the matter that no opposition whatever showed up when the city election came on for the year.  It is a fine showing, indeed.
     Bert Shapland has put a bathroom in his Standard Garage, and has all conveniences and equipments, taking advantage of the new water works and sewerage system.  Bert believes in keeping up with the times.
     One year ago last Saturday the Smith Bakery began to serve the Howard trade.  The anniversary of the day was observed by the Smith folks serving hot coffee, cakes, doughnuts and salad to their patrons and friends, from 2 till 6. Nearly two hundred were served, and the occasion will be remembered with pleasure by all. The Smiths conduct a clean, up-to-date bakery and they are enjoying a good trade.
A.A. Strachan met with quite a painful accident, one day recenty.  He was delivering some new furniture to a customer, and was riding on the truck and steadying the load.  The truck driver made rather too much speed in rounding a corner and the load overturned and Mr. S. had a hard fall, bruising his face, shoulder and hands, and smashing up the furniture prety badly.  It goes without saying that Adam was considerably disgusted, besides being painfully hurt.
Remember the Simmons and Spease meat market is now at the new location-first door north of The Courant office.

     Published in the Howard Courant on April 7, 1923
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!

W. Gray

Wonder if Bert ever subsequently came to the conclusion that he should put in another "bathroom" to better serve his customers?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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