Started by Wilma, February 12, 2008, 12:48:41 PM

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you could take a college course with no strings attached?  No tuition, fees, no problems with transportation, time, etc?

I would take a course in creative writing.  Who knows, I might be another J. B. Fletcher or Rudy Taylor.  Really, I would like to be able to write something that would make people happy, feel good about themselves.  Not able to wait for my next book or article.  I would like to be able to take people out of their world to a world where nothing is bad or causes unhappiness.  Where there is no sadness, no worry, no pain.  No conflict or crisis.  Does that sound impossible or unreasonable?  Well, maybe, when you consider that I would be the one doing it.  Very unlikely and nearly impossible that I could ever develop a talent like that.  But I can wish.


Good one Wilma, just the thing for this kind of weather...I think I would like to be there for anyone who needed someone to listen, really listen, not judge , just so as people knew that someone cared enough to really listen..it would make a difference , and I think we would all like to make a difference in some way...Stay warm ,keep thinking those good thoughts..


I would love that.  I would go and get my masters in Education.  I would love to be the one in charge at the school!!  Just kidding!!  I would not want to handle all the parents.  The kids are usually not the problems, its their parents.  I am guilty of that to.  My kid would not do that, are you kidding me I taught my kid better than that, it was the other kids fault not mine.  I have heard it all, in just the short 2 years that I taught.

But seriously, I would love to get to take courses without having to pay for them, and no strings attached.  I have to have 5 credits a year to keep my daycare license current.  I usually take  a class on the internet from the Kansas Childrens League Services.  They are wonderful, but they cost money, not much, but some. 

Wilma I think that would also be a good thing to.  To write to make people want to read your books, I love reading a book that takes me away, makes me want more.  I just don't have alot of time to read.  But You Go Girl!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

T. Sackett

     Wilma..........you could probably do an even better job of writing with out any courses, than some of these so-called authors that throw a lot of "trash" together and sell it for a book.  Some of the junk I've read in the past few years leaves a lot to be desired.
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!



Wilma, since you enjoy writing, maybe you could write a column for the Flint Hills Express and keep those of use who are away "in the know" about the Howard happenings.  We surely miss Pat's Moline news.


I have to pass on this one.  I would have to depend on the telephone like Pat did and I have such an aversion to the telephone that when it rings, I say "Please, God, let it be a telemarketer that I can hang up on."  But on the other hand, I love e-mail and letters in the mailbox.

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