Robt. Leonhardt Dead

Started by T. Sackett, February 10, 2008, 08:42:16 PM

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T. Sackett

     Robert Leonhardt, a young man about thirty years of age, was killed last Wednesday afternoon on the J H. Fiscus farm seven miles northwest of Howard about the middle of the forenoon, while riding a harrow.  Sam Mason, a neighbor, seeing his team wandering over the field made an investigation and found Robert crawling around on his hands and knees and calling for help. He recognized Mr. Mason, but the pain from the wound in his head was so intense that he could not talk, and he died without telling the particulars of the accident.  He was taken to his home, a doctor summoned, but nothing could help him, and he died late that afternoon.
     Robert came to Moline when a child with a number of other orphan boys from New York, who were adopted by Elk county farmers and fortune favored Robert by placing him with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fiscus, who raised him and loved him as their own son.
     Robert was not a rugged lad, but he made a manly fight to fit himself for life's duties.  He obtained a fair education, was a good penman, and held good positions in stores in Arkansas City and other towns, but owing to his frail health was compelled to spend the greater part of his time on the farm.  He was an ardent Christian, and in his quiet way, worked at it every hour of his life.  The writer was very near to Robert, and always admired the young man for his noble qualities and his thoughtfulness for others.  His gratitude and love for his foster parents was deep.  He was for many years a correspondent of the Citizen, writing the Paw Paw items, and his last contribution appeared in last week's Citizen.
     A good man has gone to his reward and the man and woman who took him to their home a poor waif and guided his footsteps until he became a good and useful citizen, will not go unrewarded.

     Published in Howard Courant, dated April 23, 1914
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


for you newer members of the forum, there is an article titled "Orphan Train 1900", dated Oct. 29, 2006, under this category listing Robert as one of several orphans who came to Elk County on the train.

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