Developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted.

Started by Teresa, March 19, 2008, 08:37:50 AM

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Developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted.

It is

When you visit this site, you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as the small icon of a house and red, blue, green, dots surrounding your entire neighborhood.
When you click on these dots a picture of a person will appear with an address and the description of the crime he or she had committed.
The best thing is that you can show your children pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school.
This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted.
Another tool to help us keep our kids safe.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Roma Jean Turner

  No one within a few blocks of me, but how sad to see so many of the red squares for crimes against children.  I'm going make sure everyone I know, knows about this site.  Thanks.

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