A big garden

Started by Joanna, January 28, 2008, 11:15:44 AM

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Hey folks.  I have planned to make a big garden this year, actually had it plowed already and it is quite a bit bigger than any I've had before.  However, I've had several folks tell me that I should have put it closer to my house because people will steal from it!  Do you think this is a real threat?  Do any of you have any experience with that kind of thing in town?  I know that people steal from corn fields (shame on them, too!) but from a home garden?

I'm going to plant it anyhow and hope for the best.  We actually plan to have our garden in a different spot in the future, but can't put it there until we've done a bit more cleanup & rearranging on our lot.

Rudy Taylor

Now, there's a girl after my own heart --- plannin' on springtime already!

Joanna, may I be first to order a dozen ears of corn and a couple of those big tomatoes?

It truly is "a wonderful life."


No worries, friend. You've got a great guard dog and two ferocious felines keeping an eye on things (I didn't count Puppy...she's not up to warding off intruders...just too friendly, ya know?). I think I'd be more concerned about deer, rabbits and squirrels. Did you know squirrels will eat tomatoes that are just beginning to ripen on the vine? Wouldn't have believed it myself until I witnessed it.


We're in your neighborhood - and although we haven't had a garden for a couple of years, we've never had a problem with people stealing from it. We've had two different locations for our gardens. One was close by the house, where our dogs are. The other garden, however, was on the west end of the property. If we lost produce, it was so small we didn't notice it.

Enjoy your garden!


True, true.  The Wild Kitties will surely discourage anyone with bad intent.   If nothing else, theives won't want to go walking through any of the dirt those two have dug in recently!  HA!  (Yes, they are still The Wild Kitties; even though Clay has named them Lester & Fifi; and we've had them to the vet several times for shots and neutering; and they sleep on the back porch in a basket with a pillow; and they knock on the door if we don't get up to feed them early enough in the mornings.)

Now Rudy's made me so hungry for a home-grown ripe tomato I dont' know if I'll be able to sleep.  Oh, woe is me!  

Thanks for the input, Mom70x7.  I can't imagine it would be a problem either, but the "Friends and family" I hang out with take great delight in teasing & tormenting me...  I can never be sure if they are making something up to get me flustered or not.  We'll just plant what we want to plant according to how good the weather cooperates this spring.  Besides, there are so many people by there all times of night & day filling water tanks, they need something interesting to look at.  I'm thinking about some Burma Shave type signs too...  Hmmm...

It would take some kind of gall to pick something from another person's yard; but I remember that as kids one year my baby brother went to the neighbor's house and picked a tulip to give Mom on Mother's day.  He got to do some extra chores to make it up to her later, but Mom and the neighbor lady both thought it was so sweet, they couldn't get too upset.  He couldn't have been more than 3 at the time.


Soooo-----  ::) ::) ::)  What's your address?? Hmmm???  ;D ;D


I know I know~~~I know where she lives~~~
((hunting for my camo paint and clothes  and tomato and watermelon bag))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Now that's just not fair!! I won't tell on you Teresa if you split the loot! (Now I hope that nobody really raids her watermelon patch! We will be blamed!  :angel: :angel: )


Come reeeal close and I will whisper it in your ear.....((((((((( now don't tell anyone sixdogsmom, but she lives right across the street (west) form the north park in Howard.)))))))))

Remember now.. not a word about this to ANYONE... :angel: * or I won't share the "loot".
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Keeeewwwllllllll!!  ;D  ;D

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