Careful when shopping

Started by Teresa, January 27, 2008, 01:00:01 PM

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Not trying to argue here, but we go out, then grab a cart, shop, touching all kind of things. Do we then use our cuff? Should Typhoid Mary sneeze, look at a pair of shoes and we come along and look at the same pair of shoes, what then?? How do we know? We don't, and take our chances whenever we have contact with the outside world. There is no harm in taking precautions; I use alcohol hand cleaner A LOT; I live with an immuno suppressed person. It can just become an obsession, and isn't worth it. Every one of us harbor deadly germs, and I think it is more likely to contract food born illness these days than off the bathroom door handle. It isn't Friday, so I will descend from the soap box now. LOL!!  ;D ;D

Dale Smith

I have to agree with Teresa and Diane on this... I don't want to touch anything in a public restroom that I don't have to.  I use the papertowels as much as possible.  After all, I think in general, Men's rooms are probably even nastier than Women's restrooms.  YUCK!!!


I completely agree with Teresa and Diane.  I have even been known to use my shirttail to open a door.  I do not like public restrooms, but glad they are available when needed.



I started carrying a small bottle of Germ-X while my mother was in the nursing home.  My husband and I would clean our hands before we went in, then again after we left.  We never contracted any of the illnesses typical of a nursing home.  I still carry it and use it often when out.  And at home I wash my hands a lot.  The hand wheels on my chair are not metal and they leave my hands feeling dirty even though the wheels never touch the floor.  Even cleaning the wheels doesn't make them feel clean like the metal wheels did.  Can you imagine what the wheels that touch the floor must be like after shopping?  Of course, getting back to Elk county and rolling across the yard and up the ramp cleans a lot of the big city gunk off.

T. Sackett

     Not that my opinions and thoughts are worth diddly squat, but I am going to throw my two cents worth in here anyway.  I have either read or seen on TV (can't remember which) but in the report it stated that the grocery cart carried the most germs.  And like many other views expressed on this forum, public restrooms are repulsive when it comes to nasty germs, I always grab either a paper towel, or use my shirtail, or like Teresa, I use my sleeve cuff if nothing else is available, to open the restroom doors.  A person would be amazed at how unsanitary others can be, just be observing people that go into the restrooms, that don't bother to wash their hands, after using the facility, blowing their nose, picking their noses, changing a baby's messy diaper, or whatever. Faucet handles also carry lots of germs, plus all that has already been
mentioned. is how so many people can catch virusus or colds, hepititus (not spelled right)etc. So I use a paper towel, if I can, to turn the faucet off. and using misc. preventative measures for other things, to keep from catching some unwanted "bug."

     It grosses me out on how some people just don't seem to care if they aren't sanitary.

     I always carry several Wet Ones with me, use them when needed, and so far I haven't had a cold all winter!  Now that's something!!
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!

T. Sackett

    Whenever a person spends the day shopping and decides to grab a bite to eat at some shoppe, cafe/restaurant etc., have you ever wondered just how clean or sanitary the food personnel might be?  I heard of and witnessed some of these things in the food, hair in the food, the cook spitting on the hamburger, sweat running off of a person into the food, etc.   It makes me leery of eating out much.

Can you just visualize a person going into some establishment and saying "Hey!  I wanna eyeball your cook, before I order?"  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  A person wouldn't be considered as a preferred patron, that's for sure.  :laugh: :laugh:
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


Wilma, you need some of those cool fingerless gloves, like the ones they wear when racing wheelchairs! You'd probably look stunning in some electric blue ones with white lightening bolts on the backs!!


I think the secret to not having a cold is frequent hand washing and or sanitizing and refraining from touching your face; mouth, nose and eyes. I don't think anyone realizes how often we touch ourselves on the face, at least not till we try to keep from it. We haven't had colds all winter either, knock on wood!

T. Sackett

     This is quite a coincidence that Paul Harvey had this on his newscast today, but he was telling that paper money had nasty germs on it that would last for a long time. 

     And some patient that was in a hospital (I don't remember where) found a mouse head in her steamed vegetables!  Who would dream of a hospital of all places, as one thinks of a hospital as being "a sterile environment."
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


Maybe it was a sterile mouse head??  :-X :-X

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