Looking for a reading

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, January 25, 2008, 10:55:08 AM

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Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I am looking for a good reading for a 10 year old to do for 4-h club days.  She is a good reader, but content must be age appropriate.  Any suggestions would help- I love this site!!!  Thanks- Angie
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Bonnie M.

Here is a Poem I found on a California 4-H website. 

4-H Poem "Learning to Do by Doing"
4-H members ages 8 to 10 should memorize:

4-H has helped me greatly
And 4-H has taught me, too
With my head, heart, health and hands
There's so much I've learned to do.

I have learned to set my goals
And to work hard to achieve
I have learned to make my stand
For the things that I believe.

I have learned how to be friendly
And learned how to be a friend
I have learned of independence
And I've learned how to depend.

I have learned to learn from others
And I've learned to just be me
I have learned cooperation and responsibility.

I have learned about my project
And I've learned about myself
I have learned of the potential
of my head, heart, hands and health.

Yes, 4-H has helped me greatly
And 4-H has taught me, too
When you learn to do by doing
You really learn what you can do!


Thanks so very much for the poem.  I haven't read that before or it has been many years since I have read it.  I like it.  Thanks so very much for finding that for me.  I appreciate it.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Bonnie M.

Here's one that's kind of "funny."

I'm Staying Home From School Today
I'm staying home from school today.
I'd rather be in bed
pretending that I have a pain
that's pounding in my head.

I'll say I have a stomach ache.
I'll claim I've got the flu.
I'll shiver like I'm cold
and hold my breath until I'm blue.

I'll fake a cough. I'll fake a sneeze.
I'll say my throat is sore.
If necessary I can throw
a tantrum on the floor.

I'm sure I'll get away with it.
Of that, there's little doubt.
But, even so, I really hope
my students don't find out.

--Kenn Nesbitt

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