The Howard Branch

Started by W. Gray, February 16, 2006, 01:36:19 PM

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Lois, when I think back to the late 1940s and early 1950s it seems to me Howard was a perfect size town. We had 4 Barbers, 2 Dentists, 2-3 Doctors plus a Chiropractor, 2 bakeries, 3 Automobile Dealers, 4 Implement Dealers, 4 Grocery Stores, a drugstore, a Hatchery, Movie Theatre, 2 Clothing Stores, 2 Furniture Stores, 2 Liquor Stores, Hotel, Motor Court, 4 Eating Establishments,. 2 Lumber Yards, 2 Feedstores, a Veternarian, Furneral Home, 2 pool Halls, Jewelery Store, 2 Banks, 2 Farm Credit Institutions, a Variety  Store, Locker Plant , Small Packinghouse, 3 Beauticians, Western auto Store, 2 Auto Repair Shops, a Blacksmith, a local Newspaper, a printing shop, 2 Creameries, ASCS Offices, 3 Appliance  Sales and Repair Stores, 2 Shoe Repair shops, 7 service stations, 2 home building/home construction/repair companies, 2 Dry Cleaners, an Alfalfa Mill,the bus stopped on main street and maybe the most important item of all the Railroad, and probably some others that I am missing. What happened, the flight to the city, the loss of the small farmers whatever it was it changed rural America forever. When growing up in Howard I never thought about ever leaving it. It seems like an even bigger change when you look at the pictures of Howard in the early 1900s, the Met Hotel, the Howard National Bank, the Racetrack, the Schools, I wonder what our city fathers from 1900 would think now. So much for reminiscing. I will post some more pictures as soon as I get time.

W. Gray

I have gone down to the foot of Pine Street and have seen the abutments for the old iron bridge still on both sides of the river.

I have been told the abutments for the old railroad bridge are still there but have not followed the old roadbed down to the river to find out. That is probably someone's private property by now. The railroad bridge stone supports look pretty cool.

When I was in Howard recently the river was flowing fast and nicely from so much rain. The Elk River falls were almost covered over. If one wanted to take the risk they could boat up and down the Elk.

Has anyone ever boated down the Elk?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, I boated up and down lots of Elk River and done lots of frog hunting, trot lie/bank line fishing and camping  on it as a kid. I probably never boated more than 2-4 mile stretch at a time and as far down as the old Fleak/Lister place. I know that 2 of my older brothers spent lots of time on that river boating,fishing and frogging. During the 1930s my family lived right next to the river South of Howard, right South of West Elk School.
Frank Winn

W. Gray

I am not a boater except for some time in the boy scouts but I always wanted to go as far up to the source as I could and then float to the Verdigris unhindered except maybe for the falls. I am assuming that could be done after a good rain. However, I have seem some Elk River segments in western Elk County that are almost completely filled with uprooted trees, old concrete, brush, etc.

The Elk River length is supposed to be 81 miles.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Well I have been on both ends, I used to stay with Chester and Eva Miller some when I was a kid and they lived pretty close to the head of the Elk River, when I was first married I drove a Uke  on the Elk City Dam construction which  is the end of the Elk River. I have seen it in flood stage and I wouldn't want to boat in it then. On the other hand it has so many low spots and gravel bars that you would be dragging a boat along ways if the river was normal or down. Sometime when you are visiting your parents ask their neighbor on the South about boating it . He spent lots of time on it when he was young.

W. Gray

Well, we have talked about most everything else, but I guess the subject of boating the Elk River never came up.

The way I understand it, they were next door farm neighbors on the Elk in the early forties (me too, I guess) and all these years later are next door neighbors in town.

By the way, I remember patronizing the Winn Cafe many times when we came back visiting Howard.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


They moved off the farm and back to town on October 2, 1940. That was the day I was born, my brother Neil told me they were on their way to town and Mom said "Neil you better find me a bed and get a hold of Lavina cause this baby is coming" Lavina Rarick delivered the last 7 of us kids, all 15  were delivered at home without a Doctor.


Hi everybody! I'm Cody, a new member. I came across this website while doing post investigation on the Howard Branch. Im the author of the Howard Branch Route for Microsoft Train Simulator. I recreated the branch in 3D so that all types of train enthusiasts could run a train on this route. Steve Sandifer, from Texas documented this railroad very well. His webpage: . Here are some shots from the route:



Thanks so very very much for giving us a different view of it..

WOW~~~ that is just the coolest.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Frank... Those pictures are wonderful.
I have gone down the Elk River many times in a little john boat with the guys setting lines for those Elk County catfish.
Been frog hunting, and swimming an all those good kinds of things.
Even watched some "dumb boys' jump and dive off the old railroad bridge one Sunday afternoon.
What idiots!..
But you got to consider the gender and the fact that they were 17 trying to impress us female 17 yr olds..   ::)   ;D

By the way.. what other pictures do you have of the days past? I love the ones of the main street and stuff around the town.
((hint hint))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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