Started by Wilma, January 15, 2008, 10:57:32 AM

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It has been a gorgeous day here! We had to go to Sedan for some blood work, but I did make to Well Adjusted Plants. I have managed to stay away until now; it is so hard not to verdo. I did buy some geraniums, begonias, lobelia, dianthus, and a water plant for my tub. I could have stayed half the day; Joan has many lovely things, and loves to talk and show plants when she has time. We got home in time for a little nap and then I planted some things in my front bed, fixed my two baskets for the porch, and planned what to do tomorrow. We have tomatoes ready to bloom, so it won't be long now! Enjoy everyone!

Diane Amberg

It's been pretty nice here today, but we've been having record breaking cold sweeping down from the great was in the 40s last night... should start warming up some again tomorrow and be 90 by next Tuesday. Go figure. This is EMS Week and station 9 did a slow smoked pork and beef brisket barbecue for lunch. One of our firefighters has a smoker and knows how to use it, yummy. That makes me think of summer for sure.


Diane you made my stomach growl!! I made pulled pork last night and it was delicious!! I could smell it all day and it does make you think of summer.


Just had to talk about this one.  Yesterday, Thursday, I picked up my granddaughter from pre-school at noon and we stopped at the local park to play on the playground.  The weather was somewhat breezy and cool requiring us to wear our sweatshirts.  After about an hour, it was time to go home and have lunch.  We did lunch and then it was nap time.  This is our usual routine on the days she stays with me.  When we dozed off, it was a little windier and a little cooler and cloudy.  We were awakened by loud claps of thunder and some rain began to fall.  The weather man the evening before had predicted a 20 percent chance of rain.  ::)  It began to fall harder and the wind was really blowing hard and then it began to hail, not real big hail, but hail. :o  In the 40 years I have lived here, I have only seen hail one other time.  We are about 500 feet above sea level, so hail and/or snow at this level is rare.  Then it started to ease off and I thought the storm had passed, but it was like it went around the block and came back even stronger than the first time.  We lost power intermittenly which cut off my internet and satellite TV.  I turned to my granddaughter and said, "Toto, I think we are back in Kansas!!!".   :laugh:
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


The weather yesterday was nasty!  I was in Longmont, CO during the tornadoes that hit North of there.  It sounds like there was a lot of damage, including the new Swift packing plant; lifted the roof right off it!  The sirens went off in Longmont, but no one seemed concerned; they thought it was an ambulance siren!  Luckily, the storms had cleared off by the time I flew out of DIA.  Not even that bad of turbulance during take-off.  But we had to wait a while to take-off, as all the other delayed flights were in line in front of us.  You could tell when we went over the storms West of Wichita, though... wow, what a bumpy ride!  My parents in NW KS were out of the storms' paths, but just East of there in Oberlin they had some damage to quite a few homes.  Hopefully the bad weather will stay away this weekend!

Diane Amberg

Tobina, I'm glad you missed the storm. It sure was an ugly thing. We had friends long ago in Oberlin, sorry to hear they had damage. My mother's father died there in 1971. Had a car accident while there visiting the friends, then had a heart attack and died at the scene. Sad memories. I just remember it being the land of miles and miles of miles and miles. ;D  Would you all please get all this bad weather cleared out before we come? Detours into storm cellars are not on our rather tight schedule!!!  :P


Why Diane, that's exactly what we are trying to do!  We've had our yearly quota of flooding rains, hail, lots of thunder & lightening and even some pretty windy storms.  June will probably be plenty dry and blisteringly hot... wasn't that what you ordered? ;D

Diane Amberg

You can keep the blisters, but a nice bit of Kansas June heat is fine. I've been there in June for most of our visits over the years, so I know what that's like. :laugh:


Attention! We have a tornado watch until 4:00 AM! If you'all see one, just call me, I'm gonna go to bed pretty quick. This has been one of those days when I could not get out of the kitchen! It culminated tonight when I sat down to check the postings on the computer, and the smoke alarm went off. I had put some chicken parts on to cook, and the lid that I used to partially cover the pot had fallen over the top. This allowed the broth to spatter into the flame and caused the smoke. Of course I had to clean the entire stove, all the pans in the storage drawer, and the floor in the front. Yuk!!! Double Yuk!! So I am in no mood--- do ya hear? I just do not want to hear about any tornado tonight!


Just FYI (no need for panic), SE KS (including Eastern Elk County) is in a tornado watch until 10 pm this evening.  Radar over the southern part of the US is completely clear at this point, but it just means conditions are conducive to creating tornados.  Keep your TV's and radios on this evening and just stick close to home!

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