Started by Wilma, January 15, 2008, 10:57:32 AM

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oh my gosh.. I wished I hadn't read that! Poor babies.. I am always very sure that I kick out anything in a brush pile before I light it. Sometimes an ugly rat come s running out.. and it makes me cringe.. but I still wouldn't want it to burn..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Facts of life, Teresa, facts of life.  We can't keep everything safe all the time as much as we would like to.  We can just recognize the facts and empathize with the little critters and trust in the Lord to keep them safe.


Teresa; how did your burn day go yesterday?  Get it all done before the sprinkles set in?  We got the horse pasture burned off (although spotty).  I got to ride along on the 4-wheeler to help "string fire".  Kind of a fun experience... after you got over the fear of having the propane torch shooting flames and bouncing along right next to your leg!   :o  Unfortunately, the trash pile didn't burn hardly at all.  Too much glass and sheetrock.  I think we'll need a really dry day and lots of gas (or something that burns like gas that isn't so expensive!).


yes, all animals need to be protected when you can, however, Mother Nature has a way of keeping them under control, right?  If all of them were allowed to survive, over-population, disease and starvation would take over.


burn went good Tobina.. Barbie Morgon and I were the only girls out there and we were the fire setters. The rest had water tanks on their 4 wheelers and were keeping things under control as some of the adjoining owners didn't want their burnt..
Of course, I had 2 camera's hanging around my neck..trying to film at intervals and then a propane burner hooked over my arm and lighting fires.. I got so neat footage and I'll make a video  ( if and when I get time)
We had fun though and it will look so pretty when it startes to green back up.  It started sprinkling right when we got done, so we lucked out.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Today is as typical of April as it can get.  The sun trying to come out on one side of the house while the other side is dark and gray.  Light wind and temperature almost 60.  My rain guage shows and inch and a half and my river is full.  The grass is green, the tulips are red, the roads are muddy and I am staying off them.  Had enough of that in my younger days.  Now if my peas are coming up, I will be happy.  By the way, they are forecasting freezing temperatures for Saturday night.  You might watch that if you have tender plants outside.


You forgot about the WIND!!!!!!!!


It wasn't windy then.


Having a tough time finding a sheltered place to set the seedlings for a little dose of the real world. The wind is so strong, they can't take it. They come in the house looking like tangled spaghetti, kinda like my hair.  :o :o


No kidding about the wind!!! I swear if I sit real still I can feel my house up here on the hill moving. But then again, maybe it's my imagination.

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