Started by Wilma, January 15, 2008, 10:57:32 AM

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Bonnie M.

" that's too much for me!"

Me, too!  We are just too old for that kind of driving.  We go up that way on various trips with our Senior group from Church, and we usually go on a chartered bus.  Those "guys" are good at driving in that kind of traffic, because they do it all of the time.

I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter and family.   And, I know she was glad that you could come out and see them.


Well, I've been uptown, downtown, and around town today.  Too bad I actually have to "work" this afternoon and stay inside.  Well, at least until 5-ish... (can't you tell I'm working hard?)
You can tell spring is coming soon... the earliest sign of spring in the Flinthills are the smells... the SMOKE smells wafting in the air!  Everyone is out burning today! Leaf piles, lawns, pastures, etc.  Just think how pretty everything will smell once the smoke clears and you can smell the growing grass (and allergies REALLY kick in!).


What an absolutely beautiful day! I love it! I actually broke out in a sweat today.

I went to town this morning to take care of a few things and Lane stayed at the daycare. They planted seeds today and he loved it. We came home and cleaned up the house a bit. Then, we took a walk. Well, I walked and Lane drove (his John Deere tractor is battery-powered). We walked all the way to the intersection of Quail & Road 14, picking up aluminum cans along the way. We only picked up one pop can, the rest were beer! Then we trekked all the way to the intersection of Road 14 & Rock. Lane's little trailer was full of cans! We'll add them to the several trash bags of cans we have saved, then take them to El Dorado.

My okra seeds are coming up like crazy! The green beans have also started, as well as the lavender. The rest are just taking their sweet time. I have clothes hanging out on the line since there's a small breeze. I've got a dress to finish altering and then when Billy comes home we will be burning pasture. So, Howard, the smoke you see to the northwest this evening will be us!


We drove back from Wichita this evening and you could tell it is spring in the hills.  We saw smoke in six different places on the way home, two of them in Elk County.  It was almost perfect, a bit warm but the north wind made it feel cool.  And when I got home, Janet had left two cookies in my mailbox.  Jason's cookies of course and they were delicious.  I am just going to have to go buy me some one of these days.

Bonnie M.

"Jason's cookies of course"

Who is Jason?  I wish I had some of his cookies!


Bonnie they are wonderful.  I am very lucky because his son comes to my daycare and every once in a while Laura brings in cookies for the kids.  He works at Poplar Pizza in Howard.  His dad owns it.  Jason also makes wonderful cakes, too.  So if you need any kind of baked goods, such as cookies and cakes you need to talk to him.  He is the really tall guy that works there.  I am not sure what else he bake, or yes he makes brownies, too.  I just love his Walnut Wedding cake cookies.  They are WONDERFUL!!! :P :P
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


The weather yesterday was outstanding.  We worked up are garden at home.  At the daycare, we planted seeds.  We are going to have a garden in town, too.  I can't wait.  The only thing that worries me about this is time.  I hope that I have the time to stay on top of two gardens to keep the weeds out.  The kids at the daycare played outside this afternoon.  Many of them were complaining that it was hot.  If I was running around like they were I would be hot too. :laugh: :laugh:

I did take a walk and it was great!!  I LOVE SPRING TIME!!! ;D ;D ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Maybe someone could start a little bakery and Jason could do the baking, then work at Poplar Pizza until it closes, then try to get some family time and sleep before time to get up and go bake again.  What do you think, forum members.  Don't you think he should do this for us?   

Judy Harder

I guess I better get in here.
It is spring and I am so happy......pain and allergies and all.

Yesterday was the first Baseball game here at Longton and I am so blessed to be able to keep the score

No they didn't win. (Remember last year.?? I only got? to do an inning and a half, due to the rain)
This year I get to do the girls softball and the boys baseball.

I use to play and my family......all except mom played ball and lots of neices and nephews still play and do well.
since, I am an old lady my ball game playing is done.....but, I can still coach from the sidelines and moan when someone
slips up.

I managed to get almost 6 miles on my pedometer, yesterday.
Had a short walk in the morning and then when I went to the ball field, I went early enough that I could walk down to the river and since they don't have a port-potty this year........just had to walk to the bathroom and that is a good fast clip......since I am the book lady.

I am very happy spring is here and altho it is too early to get flowers out.......I am cleaning up my patch of yard and I feel Great.
In the next couple of weeks, the hummingbirds should be here and I am ready...........believe me, I am.

Have a great day......cloudy or rainy or sunshine it is a good day........and as good as you can make it.
Hugs and AOYP
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!



Jason is baking all the time.  He would love to open a bakery and maybe sometime soon that will happen.  My husband is a busy man; baking in the morings or packaging cookies,etc., or doing something in the house, then goes to Poplar, comes home does some other things(might get in family time when we come home from school/daycare), goes back to Poplar, comes home around 10 at night and then does more baking.  My parents were here just last week and they stayed in the apartment we have upstairs, they said Cody and I must dream of cookies and brownies from all the smells that are in our house at night.  Right now I am smelling brownies.  He loves to do it though.

What happened to that nice warm weather we had yesterday?  It was okay today but not like yesterday. Alot of the kids at school today had on shorts with no coats, it was crazy.

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