Started by Wilma, January 15, 2008, 10:57:32 AM

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Teresa I loved the flowers.  Thanks :) :)


We were in Howard yesterday.  The river was up and all the streams and creeks were running between Sedan and Howard.  We didn't get much here in B'ville until last night.  It is raining now and there is some thunder and lightning.  Still not nearly as bad as south of Tulsa.



The weather here is gloomy.  I am ready for the nice spring weather.  Not sure on a rain total here, but the water was up quite a bit last night when I went home.  My husband is feeding for people that went on Vacation and he said it was like a mud run on his route.  I felt sorry for him yesterday, he was soaking wet when he got done feeding for all the people that he feeds for.  He had to change clothes twice.  Not much rain today, just no sun :( I was hoping for a nice spring break so that the kids and I could get the gardens ready during the week.  Not sure that we can do that now!!! >:( >:( >:(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Cody just doesn't understand that it is too wet to go outside.  He really wants to go out and go for a walk or go outside and play; especially with our  new fenced in yard.  He is avery demanding toddler and so we have gone for some walks (put him in his wagon) but I wish it would get nicer out so we could actually play outside.


I want to go out and walk and play inside my fenced in yard, too, Laura. It's not what I had planned for my spring break, but then I guess I don't get to say how the weather is going to be.  I really wanted to rake and burn and trim and clean-up after this long winter since I have some limited time on my hands. Oh well, my floors inside are a little bit cleaner, my cupboards now a little bit more organized, and 3 written assignments completely completed. If it continues to rain, I may even paint my bedroom---Lord knows it needs something new and exciting!!! Maybe I'll see you and Cody when I am out walking in the rain.........but pray for sunshine!!!



 :) The sun is shining the weather is great today!!  :)  The kids at the daycare and I took a walk already today!!  We went up town and came back to the daycare.  I only have 8 today, and only 2 that are 2 that rest are older.  My husband said, "You can't go for a walk with that many kids", well you know what we did and they loved it.  They helped some of the neighbors in our town, they picked up tree limbs along the way.  And you know what they did not even hurt each other with them!! :) :)   For this group, that is really good!!

Go outside and enjoy the day, if you can!!  You never know, tomorrow might be another rainy day!!! :'( :'( :'(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I used to do that with my daycare kids as well they would love too take a walk we would call them nature or treasure walks and look for flowers leaves and rocks ect that they could bring back. The best thing was that if we did it just before lunch they all slept good at naptime lol ;D


Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day....except for the 40-mile an hour wind gusts we're suppose to have.  >:(

Guess that means I can't finish painting corrals today. Yay!

Lane and I will start more seeds.


Another Beautiful day, its hard to believe.   We took another walk today, and the only bad thing is the wind.  But being from Kansas a little wind doesn't bother me!!! ;D ;D ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I can't wait to get outside with Cody.  I had something to do this morning so couldn't be outside playing and then when I got home it was nap time for the little guy.  But I have the windows open and when he gets up we will get outside to play. And maybe we will go for a walk.

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