Started by Wilma, January 15, 2008, 10:57:32 AM

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The ice is bad enough, the schools are cancelled for the day.

Luckily, for me, Jim finished the papers safely. A little late towards the end, but he's safe at home now.


Thunder and lightening and what sounded like rain, sleet, hail and anything else that makes a noise.   The bird window was frozen shut this morning and the window covered with ice.  I could see the shadows of birds looking for something to eat, so out came the hair dryer and unfroze the window.  Sure enough, the feeder was coated with ice and the feed covered up.  Anything that was on the ground was covered with ice, too.  I put a can full of feed on top of the ice and threw a can of squirrel feed out on the ground.  That is where the doves prefer to feed and they like the corn.

This is just winter in Kansas reminding us that spring is still a few weeks away.  I think I will hibernate today and hope for a better tomorrow.


Ooooooo!  Brings back a lot of memories of the days in Colorado and Kansas and Wyoming.  This is the time of the year when I am so glad that I live in SoCal.  Just to be mean and nasty I will tell you that today here the temperature will be around 82 degrees.  I shoveled a lot of snow in my younger days and I am glad I don't have to do that anymore.  All of you who have to go out please take care while driving.   8)
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I made it to Beaumont this morning.  The highway wasn't all that slick, but the ice was coming down at such a good rate that I couldn't keep it off of my wipers and windshield.  I decided to come back to Piedmont.  It was a nice hour and a half drive.  THIS GLOBAL WARMING IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Diane Amberg

We got the cold here and very windy, with ugly lake effect clouds but very little precip. It got down to 11 last night which is darn cold for here.  I told the little snow drops and crocus they better pull their heads down again. I hope you are OK with that ice, saw it on tv. My Chicago friend had below zero. Usually she would be enjoying Scottsdale now, but her mother had to have back surgery so Barb is suffering in the Chicago cold. 

Judy Harder

Well, one more time this winter I got the iced scraped off my walkway.

I do have to tie the dog out and have found if I know it is suppose to freeze or snow, I will
throw ice melt out the night before and add an extention to his dog chain so all I have to do is step out holding the door open and then I can clip the hook to his collar.

If I let him loose he comes home when he is darn good and ready and most of the time I have to go get him...

So I just got through chopping the side walk clean for me........I can't get all the way out to the main sidewalk and don't know where our snow shovel guy is..........most of the time we just melt off if I can't get to it.

I have a little snow melt left that I brought into my apartment to help me and if it doesn't thaw I will not be able to get more.
It is out in the rec room and it is too icy for this old lady to walk on.

Temp isn't too bad.....but, gee whiz I wonder what happened to that global warming we were suppose to be under this winter????? any idea.

Stay safe you all and if you don't have to get out, don't..
Summer is coming Summer is coming, Summer is coming.
I must keep reminding myself that.

One more day closer to nice weather..
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Roma Jean Turner

  Cold and definitely an ice storm here.  I had to take my rubber hammer to the front gate to break through the ice.  It is bad enough here that I closed to office today, it takes a lot for me to do that.  I'm not complaining though....the electricity is on and the cable is going.  Everything else is just an annoyance.


Another typical Kansas day, the sun is shining through the snowflakes falling in Elk County.  There is still ice on things and no promise of a good warmup.  And to all you homesick ex-Elk Countians, wish you were here.

Roma Jean Turner

  I am so thankful to still have my cable and electricity.  No sign of warming up much today.  The only reason this isn't as bad as last year is because of all the trees we lost and trimmed last year.  About 5000 here without power, they have 30 teams working around the clock.  I can't imagine that it will be 50 here by Thursday, but hey, its the Ozarks....anything can happen.


Another typical weather day in Elk County.  We don't know what is going to happen.  It is cloudy, cold, just above freezing.  The weather men all tell us that there is freezing rain on the way, then they say the temperatures are going to rise and turn it to rain.  Snow tomorrow that will turn into slush.  I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sun put in an appearance, too.  Even the birds don't know what is going to happen.  They aren't acting as if the weather were going to turn bad.  At least the wind isn't blowing, yet. 

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