Shooting At Busby

Started by T. Sackett, January 15, 2008, 08:59:52 PM

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T. Sackett

     A shooting scrape occurred at Busby last week.  The particulars , as told us are as follows:

     Sam Scott, a young man was arrested, charged with malicious shooting, by one George Colvin.  The case was brought before Squire J. M. Gilbert, who placed Scott under bonds to appear for trial.  John Lanning was appointed a special constable and made the arrest of Scott.  When the day of his trial arrived Scott made his appearance with his bondsman. Scott started to go out of the room where the trial was held, and Lanning, thinking Scott was in his custody, attempted to prevent him, drawing his revolver to enforce his demand. Pettis McQuire, one of Scott's bondsmen, seeing Lanning draw his gun, jerked Scott to one side just as the constable's gun discharged.  The ball missed Scott but struck a young man named Bert O'Neil.  The bullet entered
O'Neil's leg just below the knee striking the bone and glancing out.  A deep gash was cut in the young man's leg but the bone was not broken.
     Lanning claims that the gun was discharged accidentally.

     Thursday, February 2, 1899, Elk County Citizen
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!

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