Our Flo has been in the hospital.

Started by Teresa, January 10, 2008, 12:55:40 PM

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Why on earth didn't you tell us you were going to the hospital.
you know how we are.. We love to be in the know and besides... we could have talked about you while you were gone.. LOL

Seriously... What happened and are you all right now and when did you go in and ... and ... well~~~ tell us!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I'm kinda bashful talking about myself (too bad the rest of you aren't like that lol) ::).  This is the "thimble" version,  cause it may not be over yet.  Sun. morning while getting ready for church I got a twinge in my right abdoman.  Thot maybe I'd pulled a muscle coughing and went on to church, played the organ, but by dismissal time was very uncomfortable.  As the day progresssed so did the pain and by 5:00 I told Marvin to take me to the ER.  I am a pain tolerant person, but this was more than I could take.  Was there till 11:00 pm.  They done some blood tests, gave me a couple morphine shots, said it "could be" appendicitis cause the pain appeared to be right on top of the appendix.  He wanted to keep me, but I said if he'd let me come home I promised to take two aspirin and call him in the morning.  I was to be there at 8:00 A.M. Monday for more blood tests and a CT scan.  I woke up early bent double with pain.  Called daughter Kelly and she was going to drive me, came in, took one look and called the ambulance.  Guys, I was in the ER from 8:00 until 3:00.  All tests showed nothing, meanwhile I'm getting more morphine shots for the pain, IV's and antibiotics with the IV.  At 3:00 was taken to the floor and admitted, no food since Sat., nothing to drink but those blessed ice chips, and more morphine shots.  Tuesday morning came, pain was lessened, by noon it was gone.  THEN I got some of their world famous chicken bullion broth, grape juice and red jello.  Surgeon came in about 4:00, said he could find nothing on the test results, but still would not rule out the appendix, maybe gall stones or kidney stones, just have to wait to see if the pain came back.  I got a turkey sandwich and some yummy veggie soup, tolerated it, took the last of my IV and antibiotic and Marvin and I left for Howard and got home about 8:30 pm.  About 10:30 the pain came back.  I refused to go back to the hospital, so just took some extra strength tylenol and went to bed.  Pain quit about 4:00 A.M. and have had two comfortable days.  Might add that as of now I have been awake for 36 hours.  I can't sleep.  Now, let me tell you, this is the "thimble" version, cause you really don't want to hear what I thought or said during my hours spent at that hospital.  It would have to be censured for sure.  Anyhow, some discomfort, but no real pain.  I had three babies and don't remember labor being that bad.  So there you have it.

Bonnie M.

I copied this from "Google:"
'The only sure way to know is to go to the ER and have MD check it out. There are test that they can do to see if it is appendicitis. They will check your blood for your White Cell Count for infection, they will possibly do an Ultrasound and then the MD may press on your stomach for rebound tenderness which is a good sign that something may be going on. Please have it checked. If your appendix ruptures it can cause a severe infection. It is very important to have it checked out.'

I'm sure you know all of that, but I'm surprised the Doctors couldn't tell "if" you had appendicitis, or not!

It's really bad to have pain, and not be able to find out what's causing it.  Good luck, and take care of yourself!

Jo McDonald

Good grief, Flo, that sounds like you were a very tolerant person for all that time.  Of course if you had you "hog tied" guess there was nothing you could do, but lie there and take whatever they poked at you.  I do hope you can find out what is causing that, because it certainly can not be something that  can be ignored --
    Take care of yourself.

Ole Granny

Flo, Sounds like me years ago.  Ended up in the hospital after terrible pain all day long and night.   Husband carried me to the car.  Then he could do that- not now. :) :)  Next I spent a whole day and night in the hospital with two doctors arguing about whether it was appendix or not.  One said it was appendix- other said my temperature was too high-had to be an infection.  My husband finally told them to take the appendix since I really did not need it.  That way they would know if it was that.  Then they had to wait for the anetheseologist to arrive from a picnic.  It was my appendix.  I have a a huge scar because the surgeon is the one that did not believe it was the appendix and he wanted to look around.  The reason my temp was so high was because the appendix was about to burst-therefore letting poison into my system.  Spent over a week and a half in the hospital and very miserable.  It can be very serious.  Please be careful.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Flo.. Gosh.. Please do not let those doctors give you the run around. I don't know where you went.. but I might think about going some where else if it happens again.

Is there anything you need? I can come over and help you do whatever if you are not feeling well and need some help..
Just let me know.. ( and you KNOW not to be bashful about asking me.. we have known each other too long for that )
I am just a hop /skip from you and I wouldn't mind at all..  :)

Please take care of yourself ..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


thanks all for your kind words and concern.  I mentioned I had not slept for almost 40 hours.  Well, I went to bed at 10:30 and did not wake up till 9:00 this morning.  Think I'm caught up on my sleep.  ;D  My late husband was being treated for a urinary tract infection for almost three weeks when they FINALLY ask me if he still had his appendix (different doctor).  I said yes, so they done the scan and his had ruptured, but fisculated (sp.) which means it built a wall around itself and drained into his colon, so the poison did not get into his system.  However, it was during this surgery that they found the tumor.  There was nothing they could do for his form of cancer, as I have stated before, but we knew now and could make our plans and learn to accept what was going to happen.    Guess what I'm saying is had he not had the appendicitis, how long would it have been before we knew about the cancer.   Am into my third day with no pain.  Some tenderness, but with all the poking and proding, guess that's to be expected.  That "when I do this, does it hurt" would really make me come unglued.  >:(

Diane Amberg

 Hey there Flo, how are you doing now? feeling better?  I wondered if you found out what was wrong. Sometimes when fibroids desintigrate, they will hurt like that and then stop. A pocket of abdominal infection? Regardless, I hope you are good now.

Roma Jean Turner

  Hope you are on the mend Flo.  Take care, and let others help take some care of you.


I'm still kicking - they haven't decided what the problem is yet.  Still have pain, but not to the extent it was when I went to ER. 

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