Happy Birthday Jo

Started by Judy Harder, December 25, 2007, 10:49:31 AM

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Janet Harrington

I have to say that when I read Ms. T's posting that I laughed and laughed and could just see that happening.  That would happen at our table, too, when we were growing up.


Well, better late than never.  Sorry that I did not get on here and post Happy Birthday to you Mama, but I have not been on the forum for such a long time.  With work and snow and moving back into our office, hiring new employees there doesn't seem to be anytime for forum fun. 

I would like to add to my sisters memories.  She is competely right about having the coolest mama.  We had so many fun times that we both could right a book and it would be a book of heart and tears of laughter.  Lord we had so much fun.  Mama was and is the best and I tried my hardest to raise Tania just like Mama raised us....so much love, lots of hugs and kisses and yet discipline galore.  Mama made all the girls cheerleading outfits even the ones we took to camp.  She was the best...she made my wedding dress and just like sissy said; every event in school that we had to a special date, to prom....we would wake up in the morning with a brand new homemade outfit hanging on our door.

One of the things that is stong in my mind today since we got more snow last night is when it would snow, Mama would drag out all the bread sacks she had and first went on the socks, then a bread sack over that and then another pair of socks, then our boots....she would bundle us up and out we went to play in the snow.  It really worked to keep our feet warm.  I don't know how many times she changed our wet clothes, dried them so that when we came in again we had dry clothes to put on.  This woman worked many jobs at home to be able to stay home to be there for us girls.  Let me tell you, no matter what, we woke up to a hot breakfast everyday, came home to good food for snacks and a good hot supper every night.  I never ever remember having cereal or a cold anything when I was growing up.  She took the time to talk, laugh, play and then would stay up late to do what she had to do to finish her day but we came first always. 

Well, that is just a few things and again I am sorry that I am late....I am off work today and so I am trying to catch up.  I love you Mama and I know you had a nice Birthday and I pray you have many many more.  Teresa is right...you are our best friend and we love you more than any words could be typed.  I am one lucky woman...as I have 3 best friends in my life.....My mama, my sister and my daughter....NOW IT DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT.


Jo McDonald

well l again, here I sit with tears of love and joy streaming down my face.  I know beyond a doubt that Fred and I have the best of the best when it comes to daaughters that are always making us grateful for the family that we have -- poor in money, but very, very rich in love.
 Thank you, Sammy ( my pet name for Sherri ) and yes I did have a wonderful birthday -- the only way it could possibly have been better, would have been  for you and Teresa and all of our family to have been in the same room with me.
 Doing for you and Teresa was MY PLEASURE - and the memories that I have is filled with love, laughter and a lot of "crazies"... and the fact is, we are still adding to them.  If I were to relate all of my memories that pretain to the three of us - we would all have to hide our heads in a sack,   l lol lol lol  Oh, my goodness, we have had sooooooooooo much fun.

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