Struck by Lightning

Started by T. Sackett, December 08, 2007, 02:37:17 PM

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I'll be darned!
Now I know.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


when middle daughter was going to high school, she worked after school at Twilight Manor and I would come down to Howard to get her at the end of her shift which I think was 10:00.  This would have been in the late 70's.  One particular night it was really storming, but had to come get her so did.  On the way back to Severy, just as we started around the first curve of the S curve, there was a horrible loud loud crash, and everything went bright red, could see absolutely nothing and the sound was ear drum busting.  I was driving a one ton with a flat bed and it stood absolutely still (I think).  When I could see again, I realized we had been struck by lightening.  I was scared stiff and so was Kelly, and afraid to touch anything metal in the truck.  The motor was still running so we went on home.  I was told that the tires would ground the pick-up, anyhow we got out when we got home, fully expecting to be elecrocuted when we touched the door handle.  The next morning Lewis discovered the radio antenna was completely burned and black and nothing electric ever worked in the truck again, including the windshield wipers and radio.  The wiring had been melted, I guess.  Orvan Preston, who was living at that curve at the time, told Lewis he heard some tires squeel and he and Pat went up to the highway expecting to find an accident, but found nothing.  And that's my one and only encounter with lightening and believe me, I do not go outside during a lightening storm.  Once is definately enough.

Diane Amberg

I too am a lightening strike survivor. :P Not nice!!!


Well??? You gonna tell us the story or are you gonna to whistle Dixie.. LOL

Jeese Diane.. you dropped the crumb and now I want the whole slice of bread.
Cough it up girl and tell.    :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

OK, the summer I was 14, 1959, my girl friend from Chicago was visiting for a couple of weeks. It was late July and the gardens were in full tilt. We had been picking beans and such most of the afternoon. We had also picked several large metal buckets of peaches. A big thunderstorm was brewing and Barbara headed for the house. I quickly finished the filling the bucket I had and began to run too. She made it up on the front porch and into the front door with me running about 50 feet behind her. There was this sudden incredible explosion with extremely bright, blinding, electric blue light everywhere and the strong smell of ozone. The hair all over my body stood up like some science experiment and my feet were knocked out from under me. The bucket, with a big dent in its side, went flying across the yard, tossing peaches in all directions. I was stunned and Barb thought I was dead. I remember one moment of all over pain. I remember hard rain hitting me in the face then, and I remember being in the dining room, but have no memory of how I got there.  I was deaf as a post for several hours, but seemed to have no burns or other damage. Mom called our family doctor who said I would probably be alright but to let him know if my hearing didn't come back. We think it was probably a deflected strike from our lightening rods and the bucket took the worst of it, but we'll never know for sure. I sure said extra prayers of thanks that night!


Wow.. no wonder you are "lightening shy"  :o
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Holy Buckets    You were one lucky girl,  that is for sure - And I am so glad you were --- I TRULY like to read your posts.  Guess I have adopted you too, Diane.

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