Started by T. Sackett, December 18, 2007, 08:58:40 PM

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T. Sackett

Dear Boys and Girls

Well, it's that time of year again and once again I am busting my buttons to get everything done in time for my big night.  What a pain it has been.  Shortages from Japan, elves who don't know anything about electronic toys, a sleigh that is falling apart and then I caught the Missus fooling around with one of the elves. Who knew?  I always thought the little elves were gay!

I really am getting too old for this sort of thing.  It used to be so simple......wooden toys and dolls that didn't do anything, but now it's electronic gizmos up the nose, and what does an old fat man like me know about computers?  I put my naughty/nice list on the computer a few years ago and the thing crashed.  Lost all the nice kids.  Do you have any idea how expensive it is to fly tech support to the north pole?

Don't even get me started on the reindeer.  "Eight tiny reindeer,"   my foot!  Too much hay and carrots.  They are so fat I have my doubts they will even get off the ground.

I shouldn't talk.  I always go on a diet the day after Christmas.  Too many cookies and milk.  Of course, now what do the little kiddies leave me?  Low fat milk and fat free cookies!  That's all I get, especially in California with all those health nuts. Is it too much to ask to leave the fat man a good stiff drink to keep him warm through the night?

Enough about my problems.  How have you been?  Hope things are going well for you and yours.  Not sure what time I will be flying over your house but with the FAA and their new freaking rules, it's going to be a very long night.

Here's  wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!

Lots of love,
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, too, Santa.  Maybe next year will be better if we all promise to be very good all year.


 ;D (( I loved the letter))  :D
But I still believe in Santa Claus.. soooooooooooo...I will be watching and waiting to hopefully see you fly over..
Stay safe..and when you stop at my house.... go over in the antique ice box in the dining room. There you will find some of Kjell's Butterscotch Schnapps..
Help yourself to a jigger full to warm your belly before you head back out.  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Just in case Santa forgets and doesn't check the antique ice box, I'll be there -weaving around on one leg, and try to remind him to fill the juiiger and tip it up, so the nectar flows warmly down his throat.

Now, aren't I just the most kind hearted thing, ever???  Yessssss sireeee, I am!!

  Ssssmmmeerrryyyyy Christmussss  Everyone !

Judy Harder

Santa you do have my sympathy.
I understand just how  hard it is to get around the
computer and we all know of someone who can just make it
sing and even give us change ...............not me.

I (hopefully) will be at my folks' this year.........and when you pass over the housing at
Longton, to make it easier for you  I hung my stocking on the outside of my door; after all
we don't have chimneys here.

It would be so sweet of you to leave something in it  this year. I have been hanging it up each year of my
life and except when I was still a kid at home.. I keep getting passed by.
I know I am not good all year...........who can expect an old lady to mind her mouth and not say
what she thinks.........just keep my foot in it and maybe I can keep it closed.
Can I just say it is the devil that made me do it......or the fact I forget that I planned on doing the right
thing..........oh gee..........
maybe you just as well go on by.......that way if and when I do mess up.............it won't matter so bad.

You just have a Merry Christmas and if you need to head for the tropics later I do understand...........after all
when you see white stuff all the time.............Green looks really good..

Hugs and God bless us everyone.................love you Santa.
Me (just an old lady) but I mean well.  ::) :P :-[ ;D ;D :D ;)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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