What Do You Like About Winter???

Started by Wilma, December 18, 2007, 06:29:48 PM

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What do I like about winter???

no mosquitoes!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Janet Harrington

What do I like about winter?  Nothing!!!

Ms Bear

No humidity (I live in Texas), fewer mosquitos and fleas.  Crappie fishing.  Bundleing up for long walks in the fresh air.

Bonnie M.

I really do enjoy the winter holidays.  Such as Thanksgiving, then Christmas.

Our weather here in San Diego County is usually very nice through the winter months, and there are many events that we can attend and enjoy.

But, I liked winter when we lived on the farm south of Longton, too.  I DID NOT like the snow and ice on my daily trip to Independence!  I liked it on week-ends, when I didn't have to be out on the highway.



SNOW!!!  One good snowfall a year was a nice thing.  After that it was just messy.  The kids miss the snow the most.  Louie says he doesn't like FL because it doesn't snow.  It did in 1989.  hahaha ;D

Roma Jean Turner

  I would have to say the snow.  I don't want it all the time, but feel really cheated if we don't get at least one hefty snowfall.  I love that feeling over everything coming to halt and an agreed upon snow day or weekend. 


The snow isn't bad, but the most wonderful thing about Winter is knowing what is to follow.  The beautiful springtime with all the new leaves on the trees and the burning of the pastures.  Not to mention the new baby calves.  I guess by now you've figured out I do love springtime in Kansas.


what do I like about winter????? NOTHING  >:(


I like the first week of winter.. just because it is a nice reprieve from the warmer weather.. but after that?
Hhmmm actually nothing..

Oh Yes I do.. I know what I like.
I like the fact that I can eat more cause I can wear sweats and the "excess" doesn't show. ;D
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Judy Harder

Now, I have to admit, I do like winter........but preferrably about the First of August
when it is so hot it would fry an egg on  a sidewalk.

I like it when the snow falls and it stays on grass and not on roads and sidewalks and then melts in a day or two.

I like winter when I walk the streets or roads and it is quiet and all you hear is the breeze in the tops of the trees and
the sun is shining and you can see the hills and valleys and just know that if you turn around you will see the rooftops of
houses in town......but, for the moment you can feel like it is just you, your dog and God having a good time visiting.

I like winter  when there is just a few more days left before the sap starts rising and the trees start budding and the
smell of spring is in the air.

I could have moved out of Kansas  long ago. Had a child in North Carolina and one in Florida and altho I did plan on moving closer to my son's when his wife died. (he passed on before that happened)........and the girl in Wisconsin would like me to be closer......
but, could not handle the long cold time due to the arthritis...and Florida was too humid for me and just not Kansas.

When I grump the most is when the temps just bounce from day to day from spring to fall to winter to summer (in one week or less) and I would miss the seasons.

So, yes I do like winter, because of the promise of things to come and knowing that I am alive and well (well sort of) that I enjoy this time of my life.

But, then ask me what I like about summer and spring and fall and I would say that each one gives me pleasure and it is a Good Thing............
Hugs and God bless...... aoyp I like this so I will adopt it
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