Why do roosters crow???

Started by archeobabe, December 14, 2007, 10:59:41 AM

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Why do roosters crow???

Roosters crow to establish their territory and let other rooster know about it.

what is your idea about this question.   :) :o ::)

Judy Harder

Because they are male and love to hear themselves brag about the stuff they
get away with..............even if they are the only ones who know what has
been done...........
Now, I am not slamming the males.......just love to yank
their chains..........LOL..........
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I think that Judy said it best........ ;D

Janet Harrington

Roosters crow to irritate the crap out of people.


Most of the crowing takes place in the early morning, as does most singing of all birds, because that's when the birds are most active. Most of the territorial crowing takes place then. Other vocalizations heard throughout the day are for other types of communication, including flocking calls, which are to keep members of a flock together and in touch if they are out of sight from one another."
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

What I like about a rooster crowing is when the hen lays an
egg, He crows the loudest............
Do you suppose he is telling the world that one is HIS????
I think so.
LOL ;) ;D
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Rudy Taylor

As a rooster I can speak with authority.

We crow to hear ourselves crow.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


So funny!  I just sat to read the latest copy of GRIT magazine, and the first article was about roosters crowing. 


When my mom passed, we inherited an aged Dominecker hen. She had been my mothers' pet for many years, and just ran loose in the yard. At night Mom shut her in her coop so the 'possums didn't get her. So when we brought Henny Penny home to Moline, the routine was much the same. Penny would go to bed and I would shut the coop after dark. Only some times I would forget, and early next morning, she would set outside our bedroom window and crow. I cannot describe the sound when a hen chicken crows, but it is pretty comical. I don't know what turned her on, but even the neighbors were commenting about that mixed up hen!! We miss her; she was about 14 years of age when she went to her big back yard in the sky!


every watch a rooster crow? Puff out their chest and throw they head up - - strutt off - - I think it's just a "guy thing"

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