
Started by T. Sackett, December 12, 2007, 05:51:36 PM

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It seems that everyone has their favorite and their least favorite foods.  There is several food items that I enjoy eating but can't.  I am allergic to cabbage but not to sauerkraut, perch but not catfish, cantalope but not watermelon.  I enjoy eating okra, especially fried, and fried green tomatoes.  I have even made a green tomatoe pie and it was delicious.  Even my sister in Missouri like it. :D :D :D


OK, my apologies to everyone for calling you picky... Joanna hit on a few things that turned my stomach!  YUCK!  Calf fries I'll eat, but tongue and the other stuff... no thanks.  I should have prefaced my comments in being about veggies!  Except I do like the occasional jaternice on crackers... as long as I don't think about it too hard!  (My mom's maiden name is Vap; Czech!)


I love fried okra, pickled okra, sauerkraut, tongue, heart, bull and calf frys, turkey fries, raw and cooked peas and asparagus.

Derek grills asparagus outside on the grill and it is wonderful.

(My okra whether it is fried or pickled is never slimy.) Guess I am just a good cook... LOL  ;)

((Ok.. time to gross you all out. ))
When I go squirrel hunting, if I happen to screw up and don't head shoot them, then when I skin them out and clean them I go ahead and skin the head out too right along with the rest of it. I clean out the eyes etc..and wash and scrub the head real good and then, if I have young squirrels  I fry it right with the cut up pieces of the squirrel. , just like chicken .. if they are old, I go ahead and add water after they are fried and slowly smother them in a gravy.  When they're done I take the head and with the handle of the knife I break open the head and eat the brains.
They're really good.
It is a McDonald thing I think, as my granddad McD and my dad always did that... so I do it.

((Told you it would gross you out! ;) ))

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Sounds to me like you are a good cook and you also know what good eating is.   You might be like me as I started eating a lot of those foods when I was to young to know I wasn't suppose to like them.  At 2 or 3 years old tongue sounds no worse than rump roast.


Oh Teresa, that didn't gross me out, but I would have to pick out the squirrel heads if I ever ate your gravy... like a kid picking the green peppers off his pizza.  HA!  What a mental picture that gives me!

Tobina, you actually did preface your remark as being about vegetables, but my imagination just ran away with me and I overlooked the details.  Food is food, after all.  I love hearing about uncommon foods ~ There is another thread about that too.  I think I'll gather them all up in a recipe book.  It should be an instant hit, don't you think?!? 
Also  :-[ I don't know what jaternice is ~ probably something like braunschweiger or liverwurst?  Oh! I just read a recipe for it on cooks.com and sure enough...  I guess I would try a little taste on a cracker ~ couldn't be any worse than what goes in hotdogs!

Ole Granny

I must agree with Teresa on the foods but will add the turtle soup and a special occasion when brains and scrambled eggs were on the table.  Not to many brains to go around.  We ate what was on the table, enjoying all of it.  I do love okra and add it to my stew as it gives it a thickening agent and tasty.  Also, I enjoy watching okra grow in the garden with its pretty yellow blossom.  A niece loved beets as a child.  Could not shovel them into her mouth fast enough.  Peas are never better than straight from the garden.  Remember getting in trouble as a child because I would not leave the peas alone.  Liked popping them out of the pod.
Heart with noodles yummmmmmm!  Plain steamed cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli or raw.  Now I must be careful what I eat but can almost taste the foods.  Now where did I put that turtle???? ;D ;D ;D ;D  I can clean one too.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Alright, now I'm calling MYSELF picky after hearing some of the stuff Teresa eats!  (Or is it just good sense and blessed enough to be able to buy normal food from the grocery store!)  Give me a barrel of jaternice (pronouced intherneencey) over Teresa's cooking anyday!   ;)

Well, this summer we'll just have to get the forum together and have a veggie pot-luck.  Cook them any way you like and we'll taste everything!

Kjell H.

Quote from: Tobina Norris on December 17, 2007, 09:31:57 AM
Alright, now I'm calling MYSELF picky after hearing some of the stuff Teresa eats!  (Or is it just good sense and blessed enough to be able to buy normal food from the grocery store!)  Give me a barrel of jaternice (pronouced intherneencey) over Teresa's cooking anyday!   ;)

I may be prejudiced, but I don't think so. Anyone who has ever sat at Teresa's table and eaten her cooking
will never want to leave. :) And there is plenty that will agree with me on that one.
She might eat a few weird things, although I did try the squirrel brains and they weren't bad.
(Does that make me weird like her?) :-\
But weird things aren't that common on our table. But good southern down home cookin' sure is.
We'll have you over for her fried chicken, biscuits (that float off your plate) gravy and pie. You will be begging to stay.  ;D :D ;D :D
Marshal Halloway


Ahhh ... I just cooks like me mammy taught me to. ;)

But thank's for the compliment.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

I'm going to sidle up here and take a bow - even though it is sort of second hand - but she does cook like me.  And Wierd???  Welllllll maybe, but not too much.

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