
Started by T. Sackett, December 12, 2007, 05:51:36 PM

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Bonnie M.

Wilma, we are of the "old school," where you do the best you can with what you have!  I remember those days of typing on the typewriter, one mistake took a long time to correct, so we tried awfully hard not to make that mistake!  And, my Mother and some of my Aunts were "old-time" school teachers, and we were promptly correctly, when we used incorrect language.  I kind of miss that, actually!  (I still stop and think, do I use "I" or "me" ???)  I imagine Rudy is probably as good as anybody on the forum, with proper word usage, don't you?

T. Sackett

Excuse me........I think I must be on the wrong website, as I wasn't aware that I was supposed to be paying extra attention to spelling and grammar. I  prefer to be myself and not pretend to be something that I am not.  Ya'll have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!   :P
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


UH huh? ???  Do you mean to tell me that your spelling and grammar are perfect because it comes from your mind and fingers that way?  If that is true, you are way ahead of me. :o ::) and I thought that was coal in the stockings.


My mother-in-law was from New Orleans and made the best gumbo in the world with lots of okra.  Fortunately, my wife inherited that great ability to cook so I still get a taste now and then. 
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Bonnie M.

Santa, Santa!  I should add that I type too fast, and therefore, I make LOTS of mistakes!  I just am thankful for spell check, when it's available!  Perfect?  Me?  Hardly!!!

Jo McDonald

So far there has not been ANY food mentioned on this forum - and probably not on any other either, for that matter, that I don't like.  Any of you folks that don't like okra are missing a wonderful vegetable -- it does not have to be slimy, for pity sake, I truly think you could cook a potato slimy if you tried hard enough.  Am I an easy keeper?  You Bet !! and I am a fair cook, so bring it on, I'll cook it and I'll eat it and you won't hear me get "picky" about it either.

  Santa, you can fill my stocking with all kinds of goodies...but please. I had to pick up corn cobs for Mama to use as fire starters, so don't give me any cobs, PLLLEEAASSSEEE!


I'm with you Jo, we ate it if it didn't eat us first!!  ;D ;D We raised much of our diet including chickens, rabbits, lots of veggies and fruits. I have picked a many of worms out of cherries, off of corn and shuddered cleaning the smut off the corn . Now I hear it is a delicacy, now that IS Really yucky. I guess I could get used to it though. I love fried okra, and like it cooked in combo dishes also. Folks let it get too big and it gets spiny and slimy. Okra has to be picked Every day for petes' sake.  Kind of like beans and black eyed peas. They are best when harvested early. I am not a farmer, I like to plant flowers, but do appreciate a good vegetable patch with someone else tending it!! Does anyone appreciate asparagus the way I do?

Jo McDonald

Oh  Welllllll  now you hit on the spring time favorite...Fred and I absolutely LOVE LOVE this,...raw with a curry dip - steamed with butter or cheese or both - creamed on toast - in a home made soup.... In a fresh stir fry seasoned with soy sauce....Mercy me what a great veggie--- that is the best ever.  I wish I could stay home today and make a trip to the market and losd up...'
Now, why did you have to  start me thinkinf of asparagus????   Shame on you    :D :D :D :D

Rudy Taylor

I grew up in a home where we called it "okrie."  Somehow that made it taste better, especially if Mom sliced it, rolled it in corn meal and fried it in her cast iron skillet.

I didn't know about asparagus until I was an adult and I fell in love with it.

I had a good friend who was African-American and she prepared polk greens one day for an office party.  I didn't care for them at all, but I'm sure they are quite healthy, as are most green, leafy foods.

As for the grammar issue, yes, I can probably keep up with anybody on the rules, but my fingers still make lots of mistakes as I type. When you compose stories at the keyboard, your mind is always a sentence ahead of your fingers which makes for lots of embarrassing typos.

Plus, I have one of those new keyboards with keys that hardly depress at all.  It's nice, quiet and actually less tiring to type on it, but it's much easier for transposed letters to slip through.

Have a nice, cold day, everyone.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Asparagus is one of my favorites but that hasn't always been true.  My mother used to tell a story about me stomping the peas in the ground after she had planted them.  When asked why I was doing that I replied, "Because they taste like asparagus and I don't like asparagus".  She also said that was the best crop of peas she ever had.  Now I like both and if you have never eaten green peas right out of the just picked pod, you have really missed a treat.  Tempted to plant a few just for that treat.

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