Hillary Pillory

Started by Diane Amberg, November 29, 2007, 10:13:41 AM

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...(talking out loud to myself)
Do I just say what I think of her? Like ......ahhhhhhhh......
The woman is a corrupt, lying, power-hungry maniac. Caught red-handed in so many scandals and crimes that it makes the Godfather's activities look like Captain Kangaroo.
Yet, she's the most popular democrat in the country, and millions would vote for her if she ran for president. That says a lot about millions of people in America. They're clueless. I'm sure, tho, that many among the millions are, in fact, completely aware and are tuned into the truth, but just don't care how corrupt she is or how many lies she tells, no matter how big or small those lies are. She's a phony, and it's clear that she's a phony, yet many people follow  her.
Why!?!  I've no earthly idea.
But, it's truly scary that so many people do, indeed, love her... and I have to seriously wonder if they drink the same water that the crazy people who keep re-electing Ted Kennedy drink.

((Thinking to myself once again)

Or do I actually write the pages and pages and pages of deceit and corrupt crimes that she and her husband have done and openly gotten by with for their own personal gain and at the expense of the American people.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.. If I say what I really think, in the way I want to say it... I could probably be banned from my own website...
((unlady-like language)) But... on the other hand.. the question WAS ask.........and I CAN maybe curb my redneck tongue..  :-X
( and no offense intended Diane.. But the reasons why??..??..?? )  :o

To save myself the high blood pressure and a worse headache than I already have this evening.. I will give you just a drop in the bucket of websites that you can read..that will save me hours and hours of explaining why I dislike this....errrr... auuhhmmm.... 'woman'.
Not only does she want to "disarm" Americans by taking away some of our God Given Rights..but she wants to coddle the illegal immigrants and she wants one world government.
Not USA... but UNN.
And OBama? People would vote for a man to run the United States of America and he won't even salute our flag??!!??
What in the hell is wrong with THAT picture?!

I am waaaayyyyy to disgusted by the Democrats ( and some of the Republicans ) right now to even be a lady when I talk so I will refer to these.. which are only a few of the thousands of things that she and Billy have done and are doing. She has no allegiance  to America or the people in this country.. She has proven time and time again that she will say and do anything to further herself politically.
Makes me sick.






And remember this folks.................Too many people think the President of the United States leads the country single-handedly. Not true.  The real power in the USA is the people we elect to Congress.  Did anyone read about the over-ride of the presidential veto a few weeks ago?  It takes two-thirds of the Senate to over-ride any program the President might propose. ( and that ..at this time.. is predominately Democrats.)

The bottom line.....
Really check out who you are voting for in the upcoming elections.  Who is running for the House and Senate in your district and what  they stand for. And if they are for altering or taking away any of your freedoms and the amendments.. ya better think twice before putting an X by their name.. Once they take the freedoms away that our founding fathers gave us.. we will never get them back.
Think about it.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


well, here goes.  I have a saying that "I don't discuss religion or politics because everyone has their own opinion and I certainly have mine", but in this case I need to speak out.  First of all, the original question, "who do I think will win the democratic primary".  At this point it is not obvious yet.  I do think it will be between Hillary and Obama.  Have heard some good points from other candidates, but they are too far back in the running, I feel.  I also vote for the person, not the party, however am a registered democrat and I come from a republican family.  What party your grandfather belonged to should not influence how you vote.  I just wish they hadn't shot most of the Kennedy's because I do think that Ted Kennedy would make a wonderful president.  He bows to no one and he is strong in his beliefs of right and wrong.  Yes, I know he's a womanizer - so what !! As for Bill Clinton, I have one question for you "Clinton Bashers" - Who in Capitol Hill has no skelton's in their closet??? - Name me just one please.  Most just don't get caught and the platform for any election seems to be how much dirt they can dig up on their opposition, not what they can do for this country.  In most elections the spouse of the candidate stays in the background and gives moral support which is what Bill Clinton is doing.  People wouldn't like it if he "upstaged" Hillary, would they? Who cares who slept with who - I certainly don't.  The president is not Jesus Christ and he was the only perfect person to walk this earth and they crucified him.  Let's quit discussing the "bad" points of our political canditates and choose the person to vote for that you think can do the best job for ALL AMERICANS, remembering, as Teresa stated, that the president is just a position only, he cannot make the laws or make the changes that need to be made.  When you do vote, think about the "working class" of people and retirees, who are the ones that really need change because if you are "moneyed" you have nothing to worry about but how to keep your money and if you are "young", you too will retire one day.  Whatever your political beliefs, please VOTE.  Others will select who will be on the ballot because Kansas will not have a presidental primary, I understand.  I think this is wrong.  Maybe we are just a small drop in the bucket, and I know a primary is expensive, but we are part of these United States and we should at least have our say and now THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT. 8)


I have a P.S. to this - what is your opinion of the electoral vote?  My personal feeling is that it does not reflect the choice of the people.  Am I wrong in my belief that republicans are for those who have so they can keep what they have and democrats are for those who have not and need?  Seems to be that way anyhow.  Now suppose I have opened another can of worms. :-\

Judy Harder

Quote from: flo on November 30, 2007, 09:02:17 AM
I have a P.S. to this - what is your opinion of the electoral vote?  My personal feeling is that it does not reflect the choice of the people.  Am I wrong in my belief that republicans are for those who have so they can keep what they have and democrats are for those who have not and need?  Seems to be that way anyhow.  Now suppose I have opened another can of worms. :-\
Flo.........this is the kind of article that I would like to see in a newspaper.
I was afraid that this would be a bashing topic, what is nice is seeing that we all agree to get out and vote............

One of my favorite jobs (I think it is a good one) is that I work on the Election Board here in Longton.....and altho it can be a long day, I really, really love to do it.

I told Donna that if I couldn't work, I would be so sad.......LOL.......love to think that we are part of this great land.
If you don't vote, you really have no one to blame but yourself if your party doesn't get in.

We are more than ONE vote.............and just one is all we need to get articles passed and we do know we are ONE NATION.....lets act like it........one district at a time and we can turn the anger and violence around to good works.

Think about it and thanks for starting this Diane..........it is a good topic.
Hugs and God bless America
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I guess I have a couple of things that really bother me about Mrs. Clinton.  I absolutely despise the fact that she will not answer a question with a straight answer.  Then when she does get cornered into an answer and realizes that it is unpopular she spins out of it(drivers licenses for illegals in NY.)

I don't like her short or long term economic plan of taxation and national health care.  This pie in the sky idea about nationalized health care and health insurance for all is fine but who pays for it.  I have a hard enough time paying for my own.  Please don't saddle me with someone else's!!!  Oh I forgot, they are not as fortunate as I am and they didn't get through the 10th grade.  BS--don't get me started on welfare. :-X

Nothing is ever free.  Someone has to foot the bill for it.  We are a nation that is crippled by a declining currency, blooming debt, and a huge dependency on foreign oil with no long term solution to it.  We have a bankrupt social security trust fund that is owed over 2 trillion dollars by the federal government.  We need people with vision and honesty.  I don't see her as having either one. 

Dang---Sorry, I got a little off base of the thread.

Teresa (mom) hit the nail on the head.  The president is the visionary, the leader.  It takes all the congressmen and Senators to change the course of the country. 

Our current president has a job approval rating of 30%
Our current congress has a job approval rating of 19%

I am 100% sure this country needs better direction.  Please vote

Diane Amberg

Thanks to all of you for sharing your opinions. It really is very complicated and there are no simple answers. There is enough fodder in the world situation and on the political stage to debate this for many months. It has always bothered me that the candidates throw knives, arrows and mud, and their researchers will dig up any bit of nasty they can to give their candidate an edge, yet when the election is over it is all but forgotten by the political machine, but not by the American voters. They stir the pot and get us all boiled over and then overnight it's all forgiven and forgotten.  Many voters are still influenced by things that made us angry years ago.
Other people don't connect personal behavior with the ability to lead or make good economic decisions. A great many of our past presidents were tomcats, but it was kept quiet...morals weren't a big deal. Now you have to start living up to your plans to be president at age two, your life will catch up with you!  Every error in judgement, every slip of the tongue comes back.
I wish congress would spend more time dealing with the country's needs and less time trying to unseat or belittle the other party. The wheels turn so slowly it seems like nothing gets accomplished.
It would seem that the electoral college has out lived its usefulness. People want the winner of the people's popular

I do agree with Flo that it does seem that the Republicans on the hill are more for the wealthy and the Democrats on the hill are more for the blue collar, "have less" people. I don't mean the average voter, I mean congress.

Regardless, Judy, good for you for being on the election board!  We all need to start watching how the candidates develop.  Some new leaders may soon appear.  I will really start watching after the primaries are over.
Personally, I plan to vote early and often. ;D


My reason is I have seen too many debuts now, where she voted one way  on a bill but then says that is not what she meant to do. She also voted with Bush on the war in Irag and now she has changed her tune on that.
When Bill got in trouble and she "Stood by her Man" she probably kick his butt out of bed but with him being in the White House she knew what she was doing.
When she started to run for the President, they got rid of all their overseas stocks and other holdings which makes me wonder what she will do with NAFTA.
I personally think she is a shewolf in sheeps clothing.
Army Mom



Diane Amberg

Yeah, I love that one too.    Hey, Teresa, have you been in New Hampshire recently? ;D ;D ;D


Nope... I don't own any flares..  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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